Lifestyle Magazine

I Jumped On To The Lush Bandwagon

By The Persephone Complex @hollycassell
lush bubblegum lip scrub
Lush is one of those brands that I’ve always meant to get into, but never really found a product that totally wowed me. For someone who’s a vegan and has a toiletry cupboard full of shampoos made from hemp and neroli oil, the fact that I’d never really gotten into Lush stuff felt like a heinous crime. They’ve been getting a lot of good press lately and so I thought I’d go in their Cardiff store and take a look at the new Christmas range. While I was there I picked up this little beauty. I’d wanted a lip scrub for a while and when I smelt the absolutely mind-bogglingly good scent of this one, I sort of lost my shit just a little. It smells like candy-floss and pick-and-mix, and tastes just as good. The only gripe I really have with Lush is that I completely disagree with their policy on SLS (Sodium Laureth/Laurel Sulfate) which they use in most of their shampoos and soaps. SLS is believed by many to be carcinogenic, as it comes from petroleum, which I try to avoid wherever possible. This scrub, however, contains only sugar, organic jojoba oil, methyl ionone (which is a safe synthetic) and some colourings. It’s edible and can be licked straight off your lips when you’re done exfoliating them.
Lush is that shop that you can always find in a strange city, because you can smell it a mile away. But if you know what you’re looking for, it can be a great place to find totally game-changing products - even if you do need a coffee afterwards to cleanse your palette! Let me know your favourite Lush products in the comments below, I’ve got my eye on some Snow Fairy shower gel...

Labels: Beauty, Cruelty-Free, Vegan

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