When do people stop dreaming? When did I?
Somewhere along the way, life happens, and we start confusing short- or mid-term plans with dreams. Worse, we adopt other people's dreams as our own, convincing ourselves that if they are good enough for someone we love, they are good enough for us. Somewhere along the way, we forget who we are. Les renoncements. We settle.Dreams are harder to achieve than plans. Dreams require a good dose of imagination. Enthusiasm. Some craziness. Ambition. Patience. And a little bit of selfishness too. But folks, making a dream come true is the ultimate reward, one that will be appreciated only if it took a lot of hard work and sacrifices to get there. I just turned a big birthday this spring, and as I looked back at the person I used to be, in my 20s or 30s, I realized somewhere along the way, I stopped dreaming. This year has been a challenging one for our family. In more ways than one. Curve balls have been thrown at us, as life has a tendency to do, and in our attempts to catch them, there has been no time to dream - or even to think about dreaming. No matter. This ends now. Oh, I know there will be more rough months ahead, more trials; and I will look at them squarely in the face. But this does not mean life has to stop just now. I want to keep on dreaming. I want to feel inspired, and excited, once again.This week, the funniest thing happened. And all because of a little car I met at a local museum. If you are French, or even European, you will know why I had to have my photo taken in front of that particular car... It was not the fastest, the most beautiful, the most famous car there... but it is the only one I remember from my visit.

Le May American Car Museum, Tacoma, WA
Two French girls meet...

La Deux Chevaux: More French than la baguette or le béret!

Still a beloved sight in the French countryside...

An iconic French car on an iconic French road

"I like the good life..."

Lucky buggers. I like them all already...
I had found it. My dream. A dream that would take some time to finalize (and a lot of saving up...) but that would be so satisfying, so fun, so... perfect.
Of course, I will have to start working on it soon. First I will need a dedicated crew. Three people max. 2CV enthusiasts and francophiles need apply. What do you say? Are you interested?What car will we get?

A rugged Sahara model?

A convertible Charleston model (my favorite?!)

Never mind. This ain't the Pacific Northwest!
Finally. Some sun on the horizon. Something to look forward to. Ahhhh... The freedom to dream. It can be mine. It can be yours, once again.

Life can be good, people, for the Dreamers, the Motivated, the Brave!
What about you? Do you have a dream?A bientôt.
- Interested in the 2 CV Rally? More info here.
- Interested in the incredible story of La Deuche? Read more here.
- More Deux Chevaux (2CV) photos, just because... These are a bit of a private joke for French readers. Do you get it? :-)