Fashion Magazine

I Feel Life

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
I Feel Life
 This post might be a bit visually jarringcompared to my usual.It's a little more real life than fab outfits but it's so much more me.By my age I know that life comes withhard and beautifulandso many times on the same day.Being closer to the exit sign than the entrancegives me so much more appreciation for Life.I Feel Life
Yesterday Jeff and I went back to the cemeteryto pack up all the Christmas decorations.We walked around afterwards like we usually do these days.By now with three of my family there I've come to see the beauty within the cemetery.It also feels like a club I belong to now.Walking around I'm not filled with griefas much as reverence for lifeand empathy for the others who have suffered losses of loved ones.I Feel Life
After our walk I always feel compelled to go to the ocean.It's where I always feel the most groundedand part of something so much bigger than what I can see.
I Feel Life
We walk on the pier.and I feel life.
I Feel Life
I feel all the beauty and heartacheall at once.But most of allI feel love.
I feel love and gratitude for all of the life I've lived.
Sending out so much love to youmy dear friends.
I Feel Life
As always
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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