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I Feel Beautiful - Photography

By Alka Narula @narulaalka

" I feel beautiful " is inspired by one of my own photograph that is shared in this blog post and more than the photographer(A layman in photography) I compliment my self to have brought about the beautiful expression and given such good shot. A picture , the record of visual perception - Some of us love being pictured while few of us turn our faces away from the camera and I fall in the second category . Photography is a passion for me and once in a while I do try my hands on it but I rarely allow myself to be photographed for the very reason that I picture badly but of late I realised its just the state of mind that reflects in our pictures.and there is only #1 tip to give a good shot that has worked for me which is one must feel beautiful while posing for a photograph and there you are  ! This is one of the best shots I have ever given though I have a sharper nose than it appears in the photograph but it can not stop me from saying " I feel beautiful" and now your opinion matters .
#photography #1
I feel beautiful - photography

Please do not use the picture Copyright ©2012alkanarula 

Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results

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