Finance Magazine
I don't believe in calories ....
..... a strong statement that no doubt caught a lot of folks attention, but what I am really saying is that I don't watch calories, never have, never will. I've lost weight on a few diets, sometimes dramatically sometimes slowly and surely ... but I have never counted a calorie in my life.
And I don't ever intend to, although all through June I want to lose a stone in weight, fourteen pounds that I want to see the back of once and for all.
I started slowly losing weight a few weeks ago using the label on this blog of 'Weight-loss Monday' which I intend to pick up the reigns of once more this month. Monitoring my weight week by week I went down from 13st 2lbs to 12st 10lbs, which was good as a couple of weeks before this official start I was actually 13st 8lbs. However, I've really taken my eye of the ball this past couple of weeks and Jason really didn't help making this tray of Caramel Shortbread while he was here last week ....and leaving the whole tray behind when he went home to start on his healthy eating and fitness plan. Talk about sabotage!!
The thing is in my opinion, and what I have really found is that you can eat anything, yes anything if you eat real food and only eat when you are hungry, and it's wise to check that you are actually hungry and not just thirsty, the body can confuse the two so easily.
And when you do eat, remember that your stomach is the size of your fist and only eat that amount of nutrient dense foods. That much food eaten slowly and purposefully with a drink is as much as you need to fuel your body.
This is exactly what I intend to do for the next four weeks, and what I'm going to do is cut out the sugary foods, so no more caramel shortbread (the chickens have just eaten the last of it for me), I will have no processed foods and eat simply and only when I'm hungry, and lets see what weight I end up at the end of the month by doing just this.
And as for calories ... nope, I still don't believe in them, counting them that is!!
Sue xx