Fashion Magazine

I Believe in Snail Mail

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

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I am not empty words. I AnyIt always brings a smile on my face when I receive cards in mail, and I can only hope that it must bring a smile to my friends and family too. Wouldn't you like to go back to old school ways to sending wishes and spreading love? Head to the rant about the impersonal wishes on Facebook, because I do things differently myself. If you know me IRL (in real life) then I am certain that you would have received a letter, card, postcard or some form of snail mail from me, sometimes for absolutely no reason. Ever since I was a kid, I have send out cards to my cousins and family on their birthdays and anniversary no matter how far away they lived. I am proud to say that I have continued that habit way into my thirties too. The only catch is, that now I mail cards to those who try and keep in touch with me on regular basis. I call that time and energy management. hoo, since I love hand-written-everything, I also love sending cards with a personal note and lots of love.
The organized (and OCD) person that I am, I have a little notebook with all the anniversaries and birthday listed by the month ('coz a girl needs a little help remembering dates every once in a while). I head to Walmart in the beginning of every year, where I can find a wide variety and stock up on Hallmark cards starting at 47 cents (proof below!). Also, as one grows older, people in your life double and you need to starting budgeting for everything.
Once I have the cards for the whole year, I organize them in my greeting card organizer (yes! I have THAT too) which helps me organize them by the month. Then in the first week of every month I write the cards for the coming weeks and put them in post. Voila! mission accomplished.
Hallmark cards aisle in Walmart now!

I Believe in Snail Mail

I Believe in Snail Mail

I Believe in Snail Mail

I Believe in Snail Mail

I Believe in Snail Mail

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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