Fashion Magazine

I Am The Mum Who.....

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
I Am The Mum Who.....
I recently spotted this tag over on Behind Green Eyes by Sharon and she very kindly agreed to let me take part so here we go!
-Has one son who was born 2 months early weighing just 3 1/2 lbs
-Suffered a miscarriage with my second pregnancy and that is why I only have one child
-Juggles full time work, blogging and an eight year old.
-Tells her son she loves him everyday.
-Is bringing her son up to have a healthy love of Doctor Who and Star Wars
-Sometimes wishes she could freeze time as it seems to go too fast.
-Checks on my son before I go to bed everynight.
-Loves the internet.
-Loves to play video games often on co-op with my son!
-Is pleased her son joined cubs and that he loves it so much
-Wishes she could afford to take her son to Disneyland in America.
-Is never on time for anything and frequently forgets the important stuff!
-Is afraid of the dentist
-Sings along to the cartoon theme tunes.
-Enjoys a glass of wine or two
-Finds old toys and sweets in the bottom of her handbag.
-Is the finder of all lost things in the house.
-Is a keen but not very green fingered gardener.
-Turning 40 this year and a bit unsure about it.
I tag the lovely Katt from A Curvy Cupcake  to play along next!
I Am The Mum Who.....

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