Gaming Magazine

I Am Fat and Okay with That!

By Dotchi Latham @DotchiLatham

I was browsing the web looking for an idea to blog about that fits with “home, health, happiness, family, friendship, and fun”, when I found The Nearsighted Owl.

Her post that made me stop and smile has a picture of her naked, holding a drawing that makes it look like she is holding her chest cavity open. On the picture it says:


I gave her a round of applause in my head. BRAVO you brave fat chick! I love it!

I love it because I have always been fat. People try to lecture me on how to lose weight, how to get thin, how to eat less and exercise more, and on and on…

1) I know how to lose weight, thankyouverymuch.

2) I don’t want to be “thin”. I want to be HEALTHY.

3) If I eat any less than I do, my body would kick into starvation mode!

4) I do exercise. Just because I am not jogging a marathon, or hiking up the sides of mountains, or lifting weights, or bench-pressing baby elephants, doesn’t mean that my exercise is less significant than yours.

I am fat. I always have been. I probably always will be. But, more importantly, I am happy with myself as I am. If you have an issue with my weight, that is your problem, not mine.

You can’t tell me you would love me if I weighed less, wore dress size [insert your desired number here], or anything else like that.

You all can love me at 300 pounds or not at all. It doesn’t matter to me. Why? Because I am not looking for outward approval. I am not living my life with the intent of getting every one else’s approval. I am happy with the skin I am in. You don’t have to live in my body. I DO! And that is all that matters to me.

Seeing this fat chick so proud of being who she is, made me feel even better about myself.

I don’t want to be some skinny girl that shoots into orbit in a stiff wind. I want to be myself. Extra weight and all. If I lose the weight, well, it’s not because I am trying. I was over that years ago!

Dotchi… happily 212 pounds and still eating cinnamon toast for breakfast.

From The Baker's Acres!

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