Fashion Magazine

Hypocrites In My Life

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Y'know what I don't get? When people clearly do not like someone and/or do not agree with their fundamental view on life (professionally/morally/socially) and still continue to be social with them.
I am pretty straight-forward. I have three kinds of relationships with people, either I like you, or I do not care for you, or I am neutral towards you.
If I like you, life is easy. I take (appropriate) interest in your life and work and am concerned about your well being and supportive towards your goals. If I am neutral towards you, life is still easy. I am polite and civil towards you when our paths cross else I don't even give a second thought about you.
Now if I do not care for you, that's when life is not all that easy, and I take steps to change that. I like my life simple as 1,2,3. I do not go around bitching and whining about you to the world. I just ensure that our paths never cross. I do not call you socially, I do not make plans to meet you, I do not leave comments on your photos. I do nothing. I don't allow you to occupy my brain space and most definitely never act as a hypocrite.
I have realized that's not the case with most people (in my life). I have had friends, family, even bloggers - bitch about people to me, on how they can't stand someone or how someone did them wrong. And the next minute they turn around and start blowing air-kisses to them, or are going on holidays with them. I am like - WTF? Why did you waste my time with your story when your-hypocrite-ass was just going to turn around and do a complete 180. People, I tell you!

Hypocrites In My Life

Skirt - Ann Taylor // Same

Bracelet - Banana Republic // Better

Hypocrites In My Life

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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