Gardening Magazine

Hunting Down the Butterflies and Others

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0

There was a lot of "action" out in the garden today (and who said gardening was boring and slow?) and I felt like a member of the paparazzi trying to snap off pics before my subjects realized what was going on. I hid behind cars, layed under shrubs, hung out of windows and even paid off neighbors so I could set up camp on their property.
All in the name of getting the "money" shot.
So here are what I consider to be my best photos of said "subjects" (I've taken my best guess on what each subject is, feel free to correct me where needed, no offense will be taken).
It was difficult and draining work but all of your subsequent bidding on the pics will make it all worth it.
And yes, I accept Paypal.
Coneflower 'Fragrant Angel' was a favorite stop for the Spicebush Swallowtail: 
Hunting down the butterflies and others
Hunting down the butterflies and others
An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail enjoying the purple coneflowers:
Hunting down the butterflies and others
Hunting down the butterflies and others
And also digging the Clethra (Summersweet) 'Hummingbird':
Hunting down the butterflies and others 
Hunting down the butterflies and others 
 A Black Swallowtail:
Hunting down the butterflies and others
A bee in a Rose of Sharon flower that was covered in pollen all over its body like it just went on a nasty coke binge:
Hunting down the butterflies and others
A Yellow jacket wasp (as I've learned they are not truly "bees") that appeared to be trying its damndest to open this bud:
Hunting down the butterflies and others
The bees are also insane for the Clethra (Summersweet) blooms right now:
Hunting down the butterflies and others
I followed that same bee to this Veronica (Speedwell) bloom:
Hunting down the butterflies and others
 And finally, another shot of an extremely busy Hummingmoth, which loves him some Bee Balm:
Hunting down the butterflies and others  
 Ready to pay top dollar, right?

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