Business Magazine

Huddle Up: If Football Teams Were Fleets, How Would They Fare?

Posted on the 02 February 2015 by Fleetmatics @fleetmatics

Posted 2 February 2015 12:00 AM by Jennifer Andrasik

Odds are good that you were among the millions of fans expected to watch The Big Game this weekend. And no matter what your interest level - from over-the-top tailgater to casual commercial watcher - you know that regardless of the outcome, game statistics are being analyzed everywhere.

But what if fleets were just like football teams, attempting to run flawless drives on their respective playing fields? This weekend, the West Coast team gained 396 rushing and passing yards, just as fleet drivers would have been measured for spending miles on the road. The West Coast team also led with 67 tackles, much in the same manner that Fleetmatics would log a driver's harsh driving events on the same day.

If you think about it, each stat teaches us something new about a player's or fleet's performance, and when combined, they can create a powerful playbook that uncovers areas of improvement for an entire team.

Here at Fleetmatics, we extract actionable data that helps our customers not only manage their fleets, but also improve the productivity of their entire business. By offering real-time historical vehicle and driver behavioral data we make their playing field - the cities, streets and roads of America - much easier to tackle.

In honor of The Big Game, we've compiled some fun figures for fans from the Northeast to the Northwest, and everywhere in between, that correspond to stats you can start measuring with Fleetmatics today:

Huddle Up: If Football Teams Were Fleets, How Would they Fare?

And before we sign off, we should point out that service alerts, such as scheduled maintenance and oil changes, are another great feature offered by Fleetmatics. Unfortunately, we can't let you know when the air pressure in your tires is low, although we know some people (and teams) who could benefit from such a service!

To find out how you can decrease costs, boost output and increase fleet safety schedule a free demo by visiting our site here.

Did you watch The Big Game? If so, what stats were the most interesting to you? Add them in the comments section below!

By Fleetmatics

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