
How To Use eCommerce Tracking For WordPress and Integrate GiveWP & Restrict Content Pro

Posted on the 31 March 2021 by Nirmalkumar1997

Are you running an eCommerce site? If you are, you might want to consider taking your website tracking to the next level. Thankfully, MonsterInsights, the best Google Analytics plugin, comes with the eCommerce tracking for WordPress feature.

This article will show you how you can enable eCommerce tracking for WordPress and properly track GiveWP and Restrict Content Pro premium WordPress plugins.



MonsterInsights is a freemium WordPress Google Analytics plugin created by Awesome Motive, Inc. The basic version is available on the WordPress plugins repository. And if you are looking for more advanced features and integrations, the premium version would suit you.

  • MonsterInsights is the Best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress
  • Over 2 million Professionals use MonsterInsights to grow their Business
  • Up to 50% off on MonsterInsights Subscriptions - Limited Time Deal (Only for Today!)
Monsterinsights logo
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If you check the free version plugin, you can see that more than 3 million active WordPress blogs are using it.

monsterinsights lite

The good thing about MonsterInsights is, we do not need to enter the tracking code manually or need to edit the website’s header for Google Analytics integration. The plugin comes with an easy-to-use setup wizard where we can customize our Google Analytics property.

Some of the most popular features of MonsterInsights are:

  1. Affiliate Link Tracking
  2. Author Tracking
  3. Universal Tracking
  4. eCommerce Tracking
  5. Scroll Tracking
  6. File Download Tracking
  7. Forms Tracking
  8. Category Tracking
  9. Event Tracking
  10. AMP Tracking
  11. Outbound Link Tracking

And so on.

You can read more about the plugin, its pricing, features, and support policy in our MonsterInsights review article.

What Is GiveWP?


If you are looking for a dedicated donation plugin for WordPress, check GiveWP. Without using any third-party services, you can manage your complete donations through the WordPress dashboard.

They do have an advanced reporting dashboard. Using it, you can easily track the donations you have received a day, the donors, and everything similar. On top of that, GiveWP can be integrated with all major payment processing gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Square, Mollie, etc. So, receiving international payments would be pretty simple!

Popular features of the GiveWP are:

  1. Multiple Payment Gateways
  2. Advanced Reporting
  3. Donor Management
  4. Payment History
  5. Custom Goals
  6. Multiple Display Options
  7. Recurring Donations
  8. Import and Export
  9. Enhanced eCommerce Tracking
  10. Marketing Integrations
  11. Zapier Integrations


  • GiveWP is one of the most powerful WordPress Donation Plugin
  • Over 100,000 WordPress Fundraisers Trust GiveWP
  • Up to 25% off on GiveWP memberships — Limited Time Deal — (Valid only for today!)
GiveWP Transparent Logo
Learn More 

What Is Restrict Content Pro?

restrict content pro plugin

If you are running a membership website, Restrict Content Pro is one essential WordPress plugin you need to check. It comes with a content restriction that will help you lock a specific part of your post/page/custom post type or even your WordPress forms.

The website visitor needs to create an account, pay for the subscription for viewing the data. For course websites and related websites, Restrict Content Pro is one of the required WordPress plugins.

The most popular features of Restrict Content Pro are:

  1. Customer Dashboard
  2. Membership Levels
  3. Upgrades and Downgrades
  4. WooCommerce Integration
  5. Payment Gateway Integrations
  6. Data Export
  7. Discount Codes
  8. Member Emails
  9. Membership Management
  10. Report
  11. Member Approval


How To Enable eCommerce Tracking For WordPress?

Now, let’s see how we can enable eCommerce tracking for WordPress and integrate GiveWP and Restrict Content Pro with it. The very first thing you need to do is, buy the MonsterInsights premium WordPress plugin. As of today, the free version plugin doesn’t come with the eCommerce enhancement feature and integrations.

The Pro or Agency plan is required for the enhanced eCommerce feature. With your Credit Card or PayPal account, you can complete the purchase. Once you have completed the purchase, log in to your MonsterInsights account to download the premium plugin files and access the licensing information.

Once you have downloaded the plugin files, log in to your WordPress blog, install the plugin.

install google analytics premium

After installation, you need to activate it.

activate monsterinsights premium

For receiving updates and access the premium add-ons, you need to enter your license key. From your MonsterInsights account, you can fetch the API key.

monsterinsights account API key

The next thing you need to do is, install the GiveWP WordPress plugin or Restrict Content Pro WordPress plugin. After activating it, MonsterInsights will detect the plugins automatically.

For that, you need to install and activate the MonsterInsights eCommerce add-on on your WordPress site.

install monsterinsights ecommerce addon

Once you have installed the add-on, activate it.

monsterinsights ecommerce addon activated

Now, you are good to move forward. Under the eCommerce settings, you will see the enhanced eCommerce tracking feature.

enhanced woocommerce tracking

You will need to install and activate the GiveWP and restrict Content Pro WordPress plugins on your site. Then, the MonsterInsights settings will detect these plugins.

In our case, we have activated the GiveWP WordPress plugin on our site:

givewp installed

Also, the Restrict Content Pro:

restrict content pro activated

First, you need to turn on the enhanced eCommerce tracking feature on your site.

enhanced eCommerce

As we mentioned above, MonsterInsights will detect the GiveWP and Restrict Content Pro plugins automatically. You can turn on the tracking from the same screen.

givewp tracking

Once you have done that, save the settings.

save settings

From now on, MonsterInsights will track your GiveWP payments and Restrict Content Pro membership payments. Plus, the plugin will give you a detailed report inside the eCommerce insights section. This way, you can know how your business is performing.

This is how you enable eCommerce tracking for WordPress using MonsterInsights. As you can see above, integrating GiveWP and Restrict Content Pro is simple using MonsterInsights. If you need to properly track your donations or conversions, the MonsterInsights premium is the best option you can get.

Get Started With MonsterInsights

You can get the premium version of MonsterInsights from below.

Get Started With MonsterInsights Premium!

$This is an affiliate link

We hope you have found this article helpful and enjoyed the read. If you did, please consider sharing this post with your friends and fellow bloggers on social media. For more WordPress tutorials and product reviews, you need to check out our blog archive.

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How To Use eCommerce Tracking For WordPress and Integrate GiveWP & Restrict Content Pro

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