- Aim the remote at the TV and press the orange power button.
- If no results, change the angle of the remote in relation to the TV to get a clearer line of sight.
- If no results, change the angle again.
- If no results, move closer to the TV.
- If no results, place remote directly in front of TV remote sensor.
- If no results, open remote battery compartment and roll batteries around for better connection.
- If no results, remove batteries from other, lesser used, DVD player remote and put in TV remote.
- If no results, dig through three different junk drawers and find the last couple of new batteries left over from buying a SuperSize pack at Christmas because toys these days are labeled "batteries not included."
- If no results, turn on TV by hand to make sure TV still works following storm related power outages. Then turn TV back off by hand and repeat steps 1-5 with the new batteries in the remote.
- Finally, if no results, look closely at remote and press the RED power button instead of the orange source button.