You can use your appearance to introduce people to your personality and help them get an idea of what you are all about before they even talk to you. There are ways for you to use your appearance to speak for you.
Your Hair Helps People Know if You Are Bold or Reserved
People learn a lot about you from the way that you cut and style your hair, and they can also learn about you based on the color that your hair is. If you have your hair its natural color, people might think that you are someone who is reserved and scared of trying anything new. If you have your hair a bold color, people might think that you are edgy.
The Colors You Wear Hint at Your Personality
Just like hair color, the colors that you wear will affect what people think of you. If you are always dressed in yellows and pinks, people might think of you as a cheery person. If you are always wearing black, people might think that you are a dark and serious person. You can use the colors that you wear to show off a bit of your personality.

The Styles You Choose to Wear Show How Brave You Are
If you are someone who dresses just like everyone around you, that says something about you. If you are someone who wears clothes that were in style in the past but are currently not worn by anyone but you, you show others that you are brave and that you are not afraid of being unique. Use the style of clothing that you wear to show if you are willing to think differently from others or if you always go with the flow.
Choose the Right Jewelry to Wear
People are going to judge you based on the jewelry that you wear, and you need to figure out what you want them to think of you before you put on any jewelry. If you want people to think you are carefree and fun, you might choose a belly button ring through body piercing jewellery suppliers. If you want people to think you are refined and serious, you might put on a dainty necklace.

You can show off a bit of who you are through your appearance. You need to figure out what you want others to think of you before going out into the world.
About the author:
Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. She writes most often on health and education. When not writing, she enjoys reading and watching film noir. Say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2