Computing Magazine

How to Repurpose Web Stories for Blogs

Posted on the 19 May 2017 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

If you and are running short on topics to write about, consider branching out on your topic. You don't have to go far from where you are now, but a few simple tactics can take your basic blogging to the next level.

Write Commentary

Rather than trying to come up with your own content, find content that interests you and write commentary on it. If you write about technology, visit popular websites about technology news and read some articles on what is happening in other countries with technology. Then, like a book report in school, write a response to the article. You can include the backlinks and this will help with your search engine optimization as well.

Guest Blogger Dialogue

Bring on a guest blogger to have an online conversation about a topic in the news. Again, find something related to your genre; for example, technology, and then write opposing sides of the argument and feature them as a single blog. This form of dialogue opens up a lot of opportunities to spin additional content off of your points-of-view and can lend to a series of blogs on that particular topic.

Write an Alternative Ending

Take that technology news story and write an alternative ending: what if that company didn't go bankrupt? What if that CEO had not have been fired? What if you were in charge of that company? There are a million ways for a blogger to spin their content in a way that is both new and interesting to the reader. If you want to get a little cheeky, write about how your favorite superhero character would have handled the situation. Writing alternative endings to true stories is a great way to get your audience talking about what might have been!

Ask a question

One of the easiest ways to get your audience engaged is to ask their opinion. Post a story about something that interests you and start the conversation with a commentary on your topic. Then ask your audience to chime in - you'll get all kinds of responses, including some you want and some you don't. But the beauty of blogging is that your audience doesn't have to agree with what you are saying to be engaged: they just have to be engaged. Everyone learns from different perspectives, and when we are given a chance to put in our two cents, we usually take it.

Update Old Content

Another way to deliver new content to your audience is to go through the content you already have and do updates on what has happened since you last wrote about that topic. You can link back to your original content with new and up-to-date information and use a number of the other techniques we've suggested here so that you can put a new spin on your content. Don't go for the old "recycle content" trick - create new content for real. These techniques can help you do just that.

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How to Repurpose Web Stories for Blogs

Savita Singh is the author of computergeekblog, She has a superlative knowledge of Graphic and Web designing. She is a part time and award winning tech blogger who loves to write about latest technology, social media and web design. Her blog focuses on creative things of designing and tech, providing professional opinions on designing products, performances and a variety of business.

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