Did you know that there is more than one way to pray? When I was growing up I thought to pray was to recite the words of an already written prayer. If I memorized the prayer and said the words out loud then I was praying. My favorite was the one I’d recite before bed. …Now I lay me down to sleep … We want God to keep our soul right? It wasn’t until I was a little older that I changed the format of how I prayed to a more informal conversation because the written down prayers didn’t speak what was on my mind.
Today Father Elio explained that prayer is our way of keeping our relationship open and honest with God. He explained that God, was our Father, who longs to be in His children’s lives. If you’re a parent you can relate, right? The only difference is He doesn’t force His relationship on us. We can choose to not have a relationship with God and like any good parent He waits and watches over us from a distance. Do you make enough time to have conversations with God?
Prayer can be repeating the words of a written prayer, for the prayers have great meaning. It can bring you solace. It can help you forgive those who have done you wrong. It can help you keep temptation at bay. The Lord knows I’ve had conversations with him about that! …what’s the saying ‘the soul is strong but the flesh is weak’ … As important as the written prayers are its not the only way to pray.
Praying aloud with others or alone, ‘moves our interior disposition to be united with God’. Mental prayer is where we have conversations with God silently. Reflection or Mediation is another great way to look within yourself and see where your thoughts lie. Do your thoughts match up with what God wants for you?
Many of us think about God come the weekend, in preparation for Sunday Services. We might say a prayer if a need for one arises. We say to ourselves we’ll make more time for God but then something comes up. It’s as simple as a conversation. If at night you’re too tired, consider taking the first five minutes to have that conversation. Involve God in all of your decisions! Share with Him not only the good but the bad too. Use those five minutes to talk out your sorrows and/or struggles. What are your concerns? Sometimes we have to talk it out for the solutions to become clear. Do you keep the lines open with God?
If you ever found the concept of prayer to be complicated or challenging to do you can start with Our Lord’s prayer. It’s powerful and a great place to start a conversation.
I’ll leave you with today’s reading:
Did you know there were so many ways to pray?
Until then,