Funeral Music
Catholic Church Funeral
There are some “rules” when choosing music for a catholic church funeral in Ireland. Appropriate religious music needs to be selected. If there is a special request then you can discuss this with the musician and priest. Otherwise the following is a suggested playlist.
The programme of music for a funeral needs to include one piece for each of the sections of the ceremony.
1. Entrance Hymn
2. Psalm
3. Offertory
4. Sign of Peace
5. Communion
6. End of Mass
- Entrance Hymns
- Be Still My Soul
- How Great Thou Art
- The Lord’s My Shepherd
- Be Not Afraid
- Sweet Heart of Jesus
Be Still My Soul
- Psalms
- On Eagles Wings
- Be Not Afraid
- Here I Am Lord
- Sé An Tiarna M’Aoire
- Mo Grá Thú
On Eagles Wings
- Offertory
- Ave Maria (Schubert)
- Ag Criost An Siol
- The Prayer
- As I Kneel Before You
- Pie Jesu
Ave Maria (Schubert)
- Sign Of Peace
- Make Me A Channel of Your Peace
- Tabhair dom do Lámh
- Gabriel’s Oboe
- Shalom
- Dona Nobis Pacem
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace
- Communion
- Amazing Grace
- Pie Jesu
- Panis Angelicus
- I Watch the Sunrise
- The Cloud’s Veil
Amazing Grace
- End of Mass
- How Great Thou Art
- Be Not Afraid
- You Raise Me Up
- Amazing Grace
- Somewhere over the Rainbow
You Raise Me Up