I really haven't a clue as to how I'm going to make it happen. With that said, my packing skills have considerably improved in the past decade. I went to Mexico earlier this year and managed not only wear all the clothes I brought in a tiny suitcase, but also have two or so outfits daily. Yes, I'm bragging a little bit ;). My most noteworthy packing feat took place during spring break of 2009, however; I spent 12 days traveling throughout four different European countries with only a small carry-on. Budget travel brings about awfully impressive accomplishments.

- Dresses. No matter the climate of your destination, a few basic, casual dresses and one nicer dress will roll up easily and can be functional in warm weather (obviously) as well as in cold (think tights with boots).
- Accessories. Since you're most likely down-sizing, bring a few key interchangeable pieces like scarves, statement necklaces, and belts to diversify your outfits. I'd leave the expensive ones at home though.
- Shoes. Only three pairs, my dear, including the ones you're wearing. Choose wisely.
- Products. Get ready to streamline your beauty routine and plan for a more natural look. Only pack the necessary items like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, lipstick (for fancier nights), concealer (for post late-night days), and a hair product (unless your texture is nicer than mine and you can go without). Oh, and soap! I've never been to a hotel that didn't have it but some hostels may not. Everything must abide by regulations size-wise.
- Jeans. I'm a big jeans girl so I always bring one pair of which I wear on the plane. You can apply your pant-of-choice to this rule.
- Pajamas. Don't forget them. Better yet, have them double as workout clothes. Woolite is perfect for washing these and other clothes in the sink.
- Other stuff. I doubt it'll fit so either go without or layer it upon your travel outfit. My own usually includes jeans (as mentioned above), a tank, sweater, scarf, a jacket, and comfortable though not completely unstylish shoes with socks (a must at security checks these days). I choose to wear the most heavy items as they often take up the most room in any suitcase.