I’ve been searching for a “thing.” A pastime or hobby that’s all my own. A Facebook group I’m a part of recently started a book club and I thought that would be a great idea to give me something to do that’s not connected to Hubs or BabyCakes. So I excitedly bought the book. Then I thought: When in the world am I going to have time to read? I have a job, a husband, a home, a daughter, and a theater company. When was I going to read?!
I’ve found that I can make time for reading. It doesn’t look like it used to, snuggling up with a book for as long as I want to, but I can make it happen.
How to make time to read when you don’t have time:
The first thing that is imperative to this for me is having the Kindle app on my smartphone. We always have our phones with us. It’s much easier to read on something you always have than from a physical book, or even an actual Kindle, that you have to remember to carry around. I also always buy the accompanying audio book when I buy my kindle books on Amazon. The app lets you transition seamlessly from reading your book to listening to your book, and back again.Read, don’t scroll
Most of us spend a lot of time scrolling social media. You can turn that same time into reading a book on your phone. You can make it through your book with these 15 minutes chunks of time when you’d usually scroll. Times like waiting in line at the post office, waiting for your child in the pickup area at school, in the bathroom, etc
Read on your commute
Of course this is easy if you have a long commute on public transportation. But even if you only have a 15 minute walk or ride, take that that time read or listen to your book.
Read While You Cook
This is where having the audio book accompaniment really comes in handy. While you’re prepping your food or cooking on the stove top you can listen to your book. While food is baking in the oven you can read. I’ve been getting a good 30-45 minutes of reading time in while making dinner.
Listen during chores
Listen to your book while folding clothes or cleaning. It will make your chores go by faster and is a great time when you’re generally alone anyway, to get some reading/listening of your book in.
Incorporate into self-care
What I’ve realized in making my time for reading is that I’m inadvertently making more time for myself, which is much needed.
Make time solely for you a priority, and if you’d like time to spend that time reading I hope these tips help!