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How to Make Housework Easy and Fun

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Easy and Fun HouseworkIf we're being entirely honest, we all have those household tasks that we find ourselves dreading. For me, it's vacuuming. No matter how often I tell myself "it'll only take 15 minutes" and "it's really not so bad," I still find myself grimacing when I'm told it's my turn to vacuum. Personally, I would rather clean a toilet than vacuum - and that's saying something.

There are lots of household chores that must be completed for a tidy house - laundry, dusting, doing the dishes, and more. There are things that need cleaning in every room. But how can you prevent procrastination, cut down on the time your housework takes, and possibly even make it enjoyable? Here are some tips that might help!

make your housework easier

Photo by Flickr user H.A.M. Phtgrphy.


  • Sort your clothes into separate hampers right after you discard them for the day. Having whites, darks, jeans, and other clothing or fabric types divided from the start will make your job easier.
  • Designate a spot for socks that are missing their mates. Whether it is a small plastic bin or a DIY sock keeper, this will help you find more matches and save you money on new packages of socks.
  • Put up signs in your laundry area with clothing care tips. Find lists online with washing instructions for specific garments, stain removal suggestions, and more, then hang them on the wall near your washing machine.
  • Mark the tags of special care items with a permanent marker. This way you will know what should be hand-washed or what is dry clean only without much searching. Maybe even color code them based on the kind of care they need.
  • Check your pockets before loading up your washer. You may find nothing at all, something as small and harmless as loose change, something that could disintegrate like old receipts - or something potentially disastrous, like a pen! Don't take that risk and always remember to clear out your pockets.
  • For even more ways to make doing laundry easier, check out this list from Buzzfeed.


  • Scrape off any crumbs or loose pieces first. These things belong in the trash, not floating around in your soapy water and making washing the dishes even more of a hassle.
  • Let dishes caked with grease or other debris soak. There is no point in needlessly scrubbing at these things first and wasting your time. Submerge them in hot water for a while and let it tackle them while you start on everything else.
  • Make sure the water is hot enough. If it isn't, remnants of food could cling to your dishes and you'll have to wash the batch over again. Get the job done right the first time around.
  • Use good-smelling soap. This doesn't necessarily make doing the dishes easier, but it can certainly lift your mood by filling your kitchen with a pleasant scent.
  • Buzzfeed also has a great list of ways to make dish washing easier.


  • It helps tremendously to have a good vacuum. Your vacuum should pick up well the first time, instead of forcing you to go over certain rooms a second time. Quiet operation is also a plus.
  • Pick up any items laying on the floor before you begin. That way you won't be constantly stopping in the middle of the job to clean up the clutter, and you won't have to try to maneuver the vacuum around it.
make housework more fun

Photo by Flickr user Paul Hudson.

Other Great Tips

  • Don’t put off your housework. The longer you wait, the longer you will spend dreading it. Spare your mood and get it done right away.
  • Preventive maintenance is key. Take care of spills or stains as soon as they occur, and manage each day’s clutter as it comes so it doesn’t pile up.
  • Keep your home organized and clutter-free. Get rid of unnecessary items you've been holding onto. Less clothing means less to wash, and less furnishings mean less to clean around, dust, or vacuum around.
  • Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how much you can get done. If your living room looks like a tornado tore through, or you can't even relax in your own bedroom, do something about it! You might be surprised at how much you can accomplish in a short time.
  • Invest in a cute apron or pair of gloves. They will make you feel happy and pretty when you are wearing them - instead of frazzled or frumpy!
  • Open a window to let sunlight and fresh air in. This will help motivate you and help keep you invigorated. Too often, dreary conditions can affect your level of productivity and make you feel sluggish.
  • Don’t let yourself get distracted by your phone or watching something. I've tried watching a movie or TV show on Netflix while my clothes were in the washer or dryer, but I always ended up getting too absorbed and distracted. Meanwhile, my soggy clothes waited in the tub of the washer until I came dashing down the hall a half-hour after the wash cycle ended to move them.
  • Listen to music. This is the most often repeated piece of advice you will see, but as simple as it sounds, it is a fantastic tip for almost any chore you are doing. Some people recommend calm music to help you relax if cleaning stresses you out. Others say you should go with something upbeat to keep you moving and help get the job done quickly.
  • Sing and dance. Whether there is any music on or not, put yourself in a different mindset and a better mood by jamming to your favorite tune.
  • Listen to an audio book, a podcast, or talk radio. It will get your mind off the task at hand and onto whatever information you want to digest.
  • Think of cleaning as exercise. Did you know that you burn 105 calories just by loading the dishwasher, and 160 calories washing the dishes by hand? Getting that vacuuming done could be considered your workout for the day!
  • Talk on the phone. How long has it been since you had a chat with your mom? Or when was the last time you got an update about your friend's home renovation project? Give them a ring and watch the minutes fly by!
  • Give in to daydreaming and reflection. Try to figure out who the murderer is in that novel you've been reading, mentally plan the meals you'll make for the rest of the week, or completely redesign your kitchen in your head. Your imagination can be a welcome retreat.
  • Reward yourself afterward. Incentives are an excellent motivational tool. Even something small - a cup of coffee, a bit of dessert, or a few minutes with a good book - can do the trick. Or, if you're doing housework in the evening, treat yourself to an early bedtime.

What is your least favorite household chore - laundry, doing the dishes, vacuuming, or some other type of cleaning? Which of these tips would you be most likely to try? Let us know in the comments below!

How to Make Housework Easy and Fun by Sarah Marchant

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