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How To Make a Monster Wreath Directions
How to Make a Monster Wreath is probably a title you’ve never seen before–at least not on little Indiana! Kid #2 calls him “Cookie Monster” though not exactly my intent, it does kind of fit!
There are things that I do often and things that I do well. Something that fits neither of those categories would be crafting! So easy, even I made a nice monster wreath.
This Hoosier’s gone homemade with a styling, inexpensive wreath for the Halloween season. I even figured out the perfect dip to snack on while you make this one: Monster Dip recipe, anyone?
How To Make a Monster Wreath Directions
Print How To Make a Monster WreathRating: 51
Total Time: 1 hour
Yield: 1 Monster Wreath

Great Halloween wreath idea from The site sounds scarier than it is. Trust me.
- 1 14" Foam Wreath
- 100 yards Tulle in Color of Your Choice
- 2 Foam Balls (for Eyeballs)
- 2 Toothpicks (to Attach Eyeballs to Wreath)
- Black Paint
- Hot Glue Gun
- Extra Fabric for Bow Tie (if Desired)
- First things first: paint a black pupil on both of the foam balls.
- Next, find 100 yards of tulle in a color that works for you! Although I wanted a different, more Halloween kind of color, blue is the only color of which they had enough.
- Grab a box, envelope, something kind of sturdy about a foot long--one of those post office envelopes works really well--and wrap all of the tulle on it. You're going to cut both ends so you have 12" long pieces of tool.
- Start tying! Tie the pieces around the foam wreath. In the beginning, it will look like you are doing something wrong but hang in there! It fills in. When you run out of space, scrunch the already-tied pieces and scoot them over to make room for the last of the tulle.
- Shove toothpicks into the foam balls. Then push the toothpicks into the wreath for eyes!
- Cut out teeth using foam paper. We used metallic silver (it reflects our holiday lighting rather nicely) but white would be another good choice.
- Glue teeth onto the top and the bottom of the back of the foam wreath using your hot glue gun.
- Make a bow tie out of scraps of a sturdier fabric than I used. Hot glue gun that on there as well.
- To hang, I cut a small slit in the top of the top teeth that is well hidden. You could also attach a loop on the back with your hot glue gun.
- See? Easy, peasy!
Try using different colors of Tulle to create different adorable monsters!
Since my usage of blue tulle has our three year old convinced that it is Cookie Monster, this may make a cute part of themed birthday decor.
Schema/Recipe SEO Data Markup by ZipList Recipe Plugin2.0 are the Property of little Indiana. Do Not Use Without Permission.But I can’t take credit for this creative idea. Find the original post on Baby Rabies.
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