Family Magazine

How to Make a Bee Finger Puppet

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Every child loves finger puppets. This cheerful and colourful bee tutorial, provided by the foam for cushions experts is easy to make. Your child will enjoy helping you although some of the gluing is a bit tricky. With a few extra materials that you can get from any craft shop, you will have this puppet buzzing around in no time.

You will need:

Yellow foam

Black foam

White foam

Yellow pompom, approximately 3cm across

Two googly eyes



Step 1

Cut a 10cm x 8cm rectangle from the yellow foam

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Step 2

Cut three strips of black foam, 8cm x 1cm.

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Step 3

Glue black strips to yellow foam as shown.

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Step 4

Glue the googly eyes onto the yellow pompom.

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Step 5

Put glue on the yellow foam where there are no black strips and roll into a tube. Hold in place until glue dries.

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Step 6

Glue the pompom onto one end of the tube.

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Step 7

Cut out the wing shape from the white foam.

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Step 8

Glue the wing shape onto the top of the bee.

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Step 9

Cut two thin strips, approximately 2cm long, from black foam and glue onto the bee’s head.

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We have shown how to make a bee but the same method can be used for other bugs. Butterflies and ladybirds can make colourful friends. Your children will have hours of fun playing with their puppets. Have a go yourself!

This tutorial was provided by the foam cut to size specialists. Share them with your friends and family and see what else you can come up with.

If you would like a fun tutorial for your blog contact

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