
How To Integrate WP Mail SMTP With Amazon SES?

Posted on the 03 December 2021 by Nirmalkumar1997

Are you looking for the Amazon SES integration with WP Mail SMTP? If you are, keep reading this article.

If you have been with us for a while, you know we would always recommend the WP Mail SMTP plugin in your blog. It is one of the most trusted and popular WordPress SMTP plugins. And thankfully, WP Mail SMTP can be integrated with popular email services like SendGrid, GSuite, Mailgun, etc…

Plus, it can also be linked with Amazon SES. This post will show you how to integrate WP Mail SMTP with Amazon SES.

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Amazon SES Integration: How Does It Work??Amazon SES Integration: How Does It Work??

Before that, let’s look at how WP Mail SMTP can help you in this situation.

How WP Mail SMTP works with Amazon SES?
How does WP Mail SMTP work with Amazon SES?

Let’s move to the tutorial.

How To Integrate WP Mail SMTP With Amazon SES?How To Integrate WP Mail SMTP With Amazon SES?

Now, let’s see how you can integrate WP Mail SMTP with Amazon SES.

Total Time: 12 minutes

Get WP Mail SMTP PremiumGet WP Mail SMTP Premium

wp mail smtp pricing

The first thing you need to do is, get the premium version of WP Mail SMTP. Right now, 4 premium plans are available for the plugin.

If you are running only 1 website, you could easily purchase the Pro plan. However, if you need more powerful integrations, you might want to choose a higher plan.

Purchases can be made through your credit card or PayPal account. Once you have purchased the plugin, log in to your WP Mail SMTP account and download WP Mail SMTP’s latest version.

A valid license key is required for enabling automatic updates for the plugin.

Install & Activate the PluginInstall & Activate the Plugin

activate wp mail smtp

Now head back to your WordPress blog, install and activate the plugin. Like I said above, activate your premium copy with the license key.

Create an Amazon SES AccountCreate an Amazon SES Account

amazon ses

It’s time to create an Amazon SES account.

When you don’t have an SES account, go to this page.

While registering, you might want to enter your credit card details on the website. They offer 12 months of free service. After that, you won’t be charged a single penny if you haven’t exceeded the limit.

Choose a RegionChoose a Region


Then, the system will figure out the best region according to your address. Or, you need to choose one.

Create IAM UserCreate IAM User

iam account

You have successfully created an AWS account. The next thing you need is an IAM user.

Go to the login page and enter your AWS account’s email address.

Add a UserAdd a User

aws access

After signing in to the dashboard, you need to add a user to the account. Then, all you need to do is, enter a username. Again, check the screenshot as an example.

You could use a format like domain_wpmailsmtp. Well, that’s totally up to you! Set the access type as programmatic access. A button will be on that page labeled permission. Click on it.

Search For AmazonSESFullAccessSearch For AmazonSESFullAccess

aws policy

Now, configure the user permissions. Finally, choose the attach existing policies directly settings and search for AmazonSESFullAccess.

Make sure that the policy is enabled for the user.

Review the OptionsReview the Options

aws review

Then, select the next: tags button, redirecting you to the next page. No configuration is needed there. So, you could easily skip it. Then, click on the next: review button.

Increase the Service LimitIncrease the Service Limit

service limit increase

Here, you will be able to see all the details. Check everything and click on the create user button. You will see a success message now. Plus, they will give you an Access key ID and secret access key.

It’s time to be in production mode. Click on this link and choose the service limit increase option.

Check the Case ClassificationCheck the Case Classification

aws case classification

You will be redirected to the case classification form.

Fill Case DescriptionFill Case Description

aws case description

Fill the form carefully. In the end, a case description field will be available.

Be descriptive.

Submit the form once you are ready.

Enter Your From EmailEnter Your From Email

from email

In your WordPress dashboard, go to the WP Mail SMTP settings. Enter your ‘From Email’ there.

Enter Your NameEnter Your Name

from name

And name.

Choose AWSChoose AWS

aws mailer

In the Mailer settings, choose AWS.

Paste the KeysPaste the Keys


From your AWS account, copy the access key and secret access key, paste them into the AWS account.

Choose RegionChoose Region

ses region

Choose the region.

Add Email AddressAdd Email Address

add email address

Save the settings. After saving the settings, you will see a new option to add emails.

Send Verification EmailSend Verification Email

add email

You can add one email at a time.

Verify the Email AddressVerify the Email Address


You will get a verification email at your desired email address. Click on the link and activate it.

Check Verified EmailsCheck Verified Emails

email verified

After verifying the email, you could see the email as verified in your WP Mail SMTP settings.


Send a Test EmailSend a Test Email

test email

Now, let’s send a test email and see how things are.

Check the Test EmailCheck the Test Email

test email delivered

If you have configured the plugin correctly, you will get the test email in your destination email address.


  • Nil


  • Credit Card

If you face any technical difficulties, you can quickly contact the WP Mail SMTP support team. The team will help you with everything. Just send them a support ticket, and they will assist you personally.

This is how you can integrate WP Mail SMTP with Amazon SES.

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Get Started With WP Mail SMTPGet Started With WP Mail SMTP

You can get the premium copy of WP Mail SMTP from below.

Get Started With WP Mail SMTP

$This is an affiliate link

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