Computing Magazine

How to Get the Best iPhone 6s Features on Your Old iPhone: Learn Now

Posted on the 10 December 2015 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog


Get Best iPhone 6s Features

With iPhones becoming an almost inseparable part and parcel of human life in this era of remarkable advancement in science and technology, getting hold of the right iPhone is never an easy task. After long periods of thinking and comparing the pros and cons of the different models of iPhone available, you are finally able to shortlist THAT device of your choice. By the time you start getting accustomed to your latest phone that you have purchased after so much of market research, a brand new model of iPhone makes its appearance in the market! All you can do is heave a deep sigh when you get to read about its brand new additional features, unfortunately missing in the older device that you had purchased sometime back. And you simply cannot wait to upgrade your phone by getting those latest properties incorporated.

Getting the best of iphone 6s

The introduction of the latest iPhone up gradation scheme by the Apple Company for its loyalists enables the purchase of a new version of the iPhone every year without really burning a hole in their pockets. However this offer might not sound that attractive to all those people who are not financially equipped to avail it, or the ones who are satisfied with their current purchase and do not feel the urgency to switch to the latest. But one thing is for sure. If the latest features present in the new model could be incorporated into older phones without having to shell out a penny, people would find it really hard to resist. The ones who have iOS 9 in their current iPhones can easily get a sneak peek of the fresh features introduced by Apple. iOS 9 deems jailbreak achievable with some basic installations from Cydia store. As a consequence, some of the most desirable features of the iPhone 6s can be incorporated into the gadget that you are using at present.

Enjoy the Top features

• The Quick Actions 3D touch properties of the iPhone 6s can be added to the home screen list of application icons on your current device with the help of free tweaks such as reveal Menu as well as Forcy. The only difference between is two is that in case of reveal Menu, you need to choose an alternative from the list of Quick Actions without having to slide away the finger, while Forcy has an extra step for the above.
• Hapticle, which can also be downloaded for free by means of suitable tweaks, serves to create a similar effect like that of the Taptic Engine which operates in the iPhone 6s.
• There is a tweak termed as UniversalForce which is supposed to be a complete package of all the touch features of 3D for those devices which are not supported by the iOS 9. This includes the Peek and Pop property for photographs too.

• The Always-on Hey Siri function of the iPhone 6s can be used on the older versions of iPhones with the aid of UntetheredHeySiri which in turn can be obtained from Cydia without any charges.
• The SwipeSelection tweak obtained from BigBoss serves the role of the Trackpad feature present in the keyboard of IPhone 6s.
• The Live Photos Enabler equips older devices to capture moments prior to and following the snapshot, just as in iPhone 6s!


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