
How to Get Rid of Purple Hair?

Posted on the 30 October 2020 by Pamela Foester @FoesterPamela
How to Get Rid of Purple Hair?

How to get rid of purple hair can be an ongoing battle for many people. There are various products out there that claim to get rid of purple hair but most of them do not do a very good job.

Tips for Getting Rid of Purple Hair

Strip Away the Natural Oils In Your Scalp

A lot of the products you see advertised for how to get rid of purple hair will only strip away the natural oils in your scalp, leaving you with dry and flaky hair. In order to permanently rid yourself of this condition, you must find a product that will target and eliminate the underlying cause. If you want to know how to get rid of purple hair then you need to look at the causes of this hair color.

Understand Your Hair Follicles

The actual color of your hair is determined by your hair follicles, which are essentially microscopic plants that are responsible for producing natural oils that keep your hair looking healthy and shiny. If you take your follicles for granted, it could lead to a condition called male pattern baldness. What happens is when this happens your hair follicles are no longer producing as much oil and as a result, you are now bald.

Stop Taking the Necessary Steps

This is the best way how to get rid of purple hair, you need to stop taking the necessary steps to keep it from happening to begin with. If you go through life with the condition unchecked, it could cause your hair to eventually fall out. One of the main causes of baldness is genetic makeup, so if you have a close relative who is bald then you have the chance of getting bald as well.

Apply the Right Treatment

There are several different treatments out there that claim to help you get rid of this condition. You can take oral medications or you can purchase special shampoos. These treatments should be used with care as they can have some bad side effects that can be dangerous. Many people use these treatments to get rid of their hair color permanently because they are supposed to help eliminate any root causes.

Look for the Suitable Remedies

You will need to determine the actual cause of your hair color and look for remedies that will attack the root cause. Many times there are certain vitamins in your diet that are causing your follicles to produce too much oil. Your scalp needs a high amount of vitamins in order for it to produce healthy oils for your hair. When you remove the vitamins from your diet you will also eliminate the condition known as oily scalp.

Eat Healthy Food

If you are looking for ways to get rid of purple hair, there are certain foods that can help you get the look you want without damaging the color. These foods include cabbage, carrots, cabbage soup, broccoli, kale, cucumber and cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, radishes, and peppers. These all are good for promoting healthy hair and also contain natural nutrients that can improve the health of your hair.

Know What Foods to Avoid

If you want to know how to get rid of purple hair then you will need to know what foods to avoid because a lot of these foods are known for promoting oily hair. Foods such as potatoes, chocolate, cheese, and other dark-colored foods are bad for the scalp. When you consume foods that are rich in potassium such as carrots and broccoli you will promote a healthier scalp and thus eliminating your condition.

Use a Good Herbal Shampoo

You can also get rid of your hair color by using a good herbal shampoo. You can find shampoos on the market that are specifically designed to help get rid of purple hair. There are a couple things to keep in mind when you are shopping for herbal shampoo.

Read the Ingredients Listed on the Product Packaging

One thing to keep in mind is that you need to read the ingredients listed on the bottle to make sure you are buying a shampoo that will work to remove the problem hair color from your hair. Most shampoos will work well to remove brown hair but not when it comes to darker hair. When you are looking to buy an herbal shampoo it is important that you read the ingredient list to see what the shampoo contains to make sure it will work well on your hair.

When it comes to how to get rid of purple hair, you may also want to consider vitamin supplements that are made specifically for treating this condition. There are many people that swear by these supplements but it is up to you to find what works for your particular case. It is always a good idea to visit a doctor before starting any hair treatment and find out what they recommend in order to make sure you don't cause yourself harm.

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