Gadgets Magazine

How To Find The “Add Yours” Sticker On The Instagram Story 2022

Posted on the 23 May 2022 by Ssghtc001

Hello dear!

Instagram is an app in trend because it is dynamic, and it makes changes from time to time for its users, and some changes are accepted or declined by its users. A new feature of the “Add yours” sticker is also in trend among all these initiatives. Many people have already introduced themselves to this sticker. But some people are still there who do not know anything about it.

What is an “Add yours” sticker on an Instagram story?

“Add yours” sticker is a unique feature introduced by Instagram that enables its users to start a story chain by giving some challenges to others. One of the most famous examples is the “Drop your best sunset photo” challenge that began on Instagram.

(Tap here if you want to learn more about the challenge-

 sunset photos instagram story

Another example is “Drop your pet’s photo” getting viral. In these kinds of challenges, a person creates a story and applies an “Add yours” sticker on it. He/she makes a challenge for the viewers of their story on the sticker. And then, some people accept the challenge by clicking on the sticker. And this is why A story chain begins on Instagram.

What if I cannot find the “Add yours” sticker on Instagram?

Here you need to know one crucial thing; This sticker is not available in every country. If you can not find the sticker, there may be a reason that Instagram still did not launch this feature in your country. If this is the reason, you first need to wait until Instagram launches this in your country.

Now, if you also want to use this sticker. Here is a simple step-by-step guide for you.

How to find and use the “Add yours” sticker on Instagram Story

Step 1– Launch the Instagram App.

Step 2– go to your story icon on the top left of the page.

How To Find The “Add yours” Sticker On The Instagram Story 2022

Step 3– select some photos for creating a story.

How To Find The “Add yours” Sticker On The Instagram Story 2022

Step 4– Tap the Sticker icon at the top.

How To Find The “Add yours” Sticker On The Instagram Story 2022

Step 5– select Add your sticker.

How To Find The “Add yours” Sticker On The Instagram Story 2022

Step 6– write any message/challenge in the text box. For example- drop your picture with your daughter.

Step 7– Now, your story with stickers is ready. Share it with your story.

What after sharing a story with an “add yours” sticker?

When you shared your story with an “add yours” sticker. The people who see your story and proceed to the challenge will click on the sticker. You will be notified when someone taps on your “add yours” sticker and shares his/her photo. You can see the list of all viewers who responded to your story and stretched the story chain.

What to do if the other people in your country use the sticker but it is not available for you?

Yeah, this is another scenario in which only you cannot find the sticker. There may be various reasons behind it. If you cannot find the “add yours” sticker, you can try these two ways.

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Instagram. If you are still using the old version of Instagram, all new features launched by Instagram will not be available to you. So Update your Instagram App first.
  • If Updating is also not working for you. Try using this feature on different Instagram accounts.
  • You can try the web version of Instagram on your phone or pc with your web browser.

How to use other people’s “add yours” on Instagram?

If you don’t want to use this sticker on your story but want to use the sticker in someone else’s story, you need to find those people who applied the sticker. First, you will have to go to that person’s story and tap on “Add yours .” You will be directed to the story editor, where you can add any of your photos and post them to your story. It will make you a part of this chain. And now, the people will see the same sticker at the end of your story.

What is the meaning of the leftward turning arrow on the sticker?

When you apply the “add yours” sticker, you will see a leftward turning arrow. By clicking on this arrow, you will see the list of those who have participated in the trend. You can also go to their profile by clicking on their profile picture.

Hence, friends, I tried answering your every query regarding this “add yours” sticker in this article. But if there is some doubt in your mind. You can comment below in the comment box. I will answer you instantly, or if your question is common for many people, I will publish a whole article on that topic. Now, I think it is high time you post a story with an “add yours” story. I am also going to find the solution to one of your queries.

Till then, Sayonara and take care.

See you in the following article…

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