Lifestyle Magazine

How To Fall Back In Love With Blogging

By The Persephone Complex @hollycassell

How To Fall Back In Love With Blogging

When I was 21, I developed a sudden urge to document my life online. I never thought this is what I would end up doing with my days, but there you go. It just sort of happened. I fell in love with blogging out of the blue. Sometimes, just as inextricably, we fall out of love. It happens for so many different reasons, but it doesn't have to mean the end. The first step to getting back in the beautiful romantic blogging bubble, is to find out WHY you have fallen out of love.

Hating The Look Of Your Blog Or Template: Ahh, the old "sick of my blog" syndrome. It's easy to get bored with the look and feel of your blog when we're constantly changing as creators, and always exposed to new blogs with gorgeous designs. It can all get a bit overwhelming and we end up confused about what we want, only sure of what we DON'T want. If it's just a small tweak that you need, a new header or some graphics might do the trick. I'd recommend Jemma Dorkface or Ella Masters for that. If you have fallen out of love with your blog entirely, and don't think you can get the fire back, then do what I did, and start all over again. Make a list of blogs whose designs you really like, and then either check out who did their template, or keep your list in mind when hunting for your own. Pipdig and Minty Fox are both excellent for designs and will help you along the way if you have any questions or worries about installing.

Unhappy With Your Content: Sometimes we don't so much fall out of love with blogging, but with our subject matter. It's hard to keep a beauty blog going if you've lost your interest in make-up, or maintain daily food posts when you're turning into a peanut butter on toast kind of person. It's good to remember that you're under no obligation to be the blogger you were yesterday, if I may bastardise a lovely truism. Consistency is great and all, but it's worth nothing if you don't like your own blog. As soon as I gave myself permission to write about things I'm SUPER interested in just for the sake of writing it (namely, sex) my passion for blogging came back overnight. Think of new topics you would really love to explore on your blog, just for you, and even if you add them in slowly amongst sponsored posts/things that bring you more views, you will feel more excited to create. For more tips on creating content you love, check out this post and this post.

Blog Envy Or Comparing Yourself To Others: This is a killer. It's not something that can be wholly avoided if you wish to read blogs and take part in the community, but you can limit your exposure to the ones that make you feel like pants. When really trying to create, try to take a little break from consuming even your most beloved blogs. You can come back to admiring other people's work once you have done your own. It is a cliche, but you must never compare your Chapter 1 to someone else's Chapter 20.

Exhausted With The Community/Blogging Drama: If you are active on Twitter, then no doubt you come across a feud or drama on your timeline once in a while, or you might have gotten caught up in one yourself (if a friend is involved it can be hard to just let it go). Sometimes it doesn't have to be full-blown drama that gets you down, it could be anything; the promotional aspect of blogging gets to me, as does the expectation that bloggers have limitless time to interact. Most of us don't have time to do those things and live a full life, so cut yourself some slack. Unfollow or mute the accounts that you need to. Try creating Twitter lists of your favourite accounts and scrolling that feed instead of your main one, and you'll miss most of the bullshit. Give yourself the space to create, away from the ups and downs of human relationship, and you will amaze yourself.

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