Marijuana, also referred to as weed, is a drug obtained from the cannabis plant for the THC-induced effects. Weed is the most widely used illegal drug in the US, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Next to alcohol, marijuana is one of the most widely used substances in the world, and among those 12 and older, marijuana use increased from 11% to 17.5%.
If you are wondering what to do if you’ve been busted for marijuana use, here is how you can get the best thc detox over theislandnow, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.
Before you try any of these methods, make sure that you have your paperwork and legal documentation in order. You should also consult with an attorney or a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in drug cases. They will be able to help you determine which method might work best for your case.
You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on expensive products to detox from THC. There are several safe and effective approaches available. But you must follow instructions carefully so as not to damage your liver or cause other negative side effects.
For example, if you’re taking prescription medications, you shouldn’t stop them without consulting your doctor first. If you have any health concerns whatsoever, you should definitely avoid ingesting THC-containing products until they have been cleared by your healthcare provider.
The most important thing to remember when detoxing from THC is that it’s not easy. It’s not like quitting smoking or drinking alcohol where you can just go cold turkey and expect everything to magically disappear. Instead, you need to take things slowly and gradually over time.

When you finally quit using THC, you won’t experience a sudden drop in moods or symptoms. In fact, you may feel much better than you did prior to using the substance. However, you’ll still be experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
The good news is that this phase of recovery will pass quickly. And after a few days, you’ll no longer be bothered by any withdrawal symptoms.
Here are some methods for detoxing from THC. We’ve included one each for those who smoke marijuana, eat edibles, or vape. Of course, there are many more options you could use to quit using marijuana. But we hope that these will prove helpful to you in getting through this process.
- Stop Using Marijuana & Avoid Edibles
If you know you’ve used THC, you should immediately stop using it. This is because the body processes THC differently depending on whether you consume it orally or by inhalation (smoking).
If you ate THC-infused food or drank THC-laced drinks, you’ll likely want to avoid eating or drinking anything at all for about 24 hours to ensure that your body has enough time to properly flush out THC.
Afterward, you can start reintroducing foods and beverages into your diet. But again, you should wait at least 48 hours after stopping THC use before consuming anything.
- Use A Vaporizer To Get Rid Of THC
Vaporizers heat up and release the active ingredients in cannabis in a vapor form instead of burning it. As a result, vaporizers don’t produce toxic fumes that can harm your lungs or brain.
However, you should only use a vaporizer to detox from THC if you know that you’ve consumed marijuana via edibles. Otherwise, you stand the risk of inhaling harmful chemicals left behind in edibles.
As such, you should never use a vaporizer while you’re under the influence of THC. Otherwise, you could accidentally inhale THC and end up overdosing.
- Take CBD Oil To Help With Symptoms
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is another method for detoxing from THC. It works because CBD reduces the anxiety that comes with THC withdrawal.
There are a number of brands of CBD oil available online. Some offer free shipping; others require an initial payment.
However, you should always check reviews of CBD products to see if they contain any contaminants. And even though most CBD oils are non-psychoactive, you should always avoid mixing CBD oil with THC if possible. If you mix them together, it could lead to dangerous interactions.
- Take Acetaminophen to Reduce Nausea & Anxiety
Acetaminophen (known medically as paracetamol) is another common pain reliever used to treat nausea and anxiety. That’s why some people call it “the cure for the munchies.”
It’s also known to reduce inflammation in the body. However, acetaminophen should generally be avoided during pregnancy. It can also cause severe liver problems in children.
So this isn’t a good option for anyone who is pregnant or trying to become pregnant, including women in menopause or those who are breastfeeding.
- Try A Cold Shower
A cold shower can be extremely beneficial for breaking the cycle of addiction. The process involves showering in ice water for 5 minutes. Afterward, you simply rinse off the cold water and get dressed.
This treatment is meant to reduce cravings and feelings of anxiety. While it doesn’t completely eliminate them, it does help calm down the urge to use marijuana.

- Take An Over-The-Counter Anti-Depressant
Anxiety and depression often go hand-in-hand. So if you find yourself feeling guilty for using marijuana, consider taking anti-depressants to help ease your mental anguish.
Anti-depressants come in various forms. Some include SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) and tetracyclics. These drugs are commonly sold as generic medicines.
- Eat Lots Of Dark Chocolate Or Other High Calorie Foods
Marijuana users often crave high calorie foods. Since THC makes you hungry, it can be hard to resist.
But if you’re looking to lose weight, you should think twice about indulging your appetite. Eating more calories will only make you hungrier later. Plus, you run the risk of gaining back the weight you lost as soon as you stop using marijuana.
Instead, you should focus on adding healthy fats into your diet. For instance, nuts and seeds are filled with protein and omega-3 fatty acids that will keep you full for hours.
- Add Lemon Juice Into Your Water
Lemon juice has been shown to reduce the negative effects of THC withdrawal, such as muscle aches and fatigue. You can add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per 8 ounces of water to help relieve these symptoms.
- Take A Zinc Supplement
Zinc deficiency can make you prone to depression. And since marijuana users tend to feel less happy than non-users, you should take a zinc supplement to help alleviate anxiety.
- Drink Plenty Of Water
Water helps regulate the amount of THC in your system. It also helps flush THC from your body. Because of this, it should be your primary source of hydration when you’re detoxing from marijuana.
- Do Yoga
Yoga can help you relax and clear your mind. As such, it’s a great way to manage stress and stay focused. It can also help you to de-stress when you feel anxious due to your marijuana addiction.
- Take A Suppository Made From Chamomile Flowers
Chamomile flowers contain antioxidants that can reduce nausea and vomiting associated with THC withdrawal.
- Go On A Walk
While you’re detoxing from marijuana, you should exercise regularly to burn extra calories and boost your energy levels. Walking is a simple choice that can give you both physical and emotional benefits.
- Practice Meditation
Meditation is a wonderful practice that can help you to overcome stress, anxiety and other issues. It’s especially useful when you’re dealing with marijuana withdrawal.
- Read Books About Cannabis
Reading books about cannabis can help you understand the plant better and learn about its medicinal value.
- Treat Yourself To A Massage
Massages are great ways to relax and unwind. As such, they can help you deal with stress and anxiety related to marijuana withdrawal.

- Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation can increase your anxiety and irritability. As such, it can make you feel depressed and lethargic. When you’re stressed and tired, it’s easier to fall victim to marijuana cravings.
- Have Fun
Once you’re done detoxing from marijuana, you should have plenty of fun activities to choose from. Whether you enjoy outdoor sports, arts and crafts or socializing with friends and family, you should find something enjoyable to do in your spare time.
The post How To Detox From Marijuana And How Long Will It Take? first appeared on Genealogy Religion.