Computing Magazine

How to Design Your Content to Make Your Online Presence Felt

Posted on the 22 December 2015 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

Marketing Strategy

In order to make documents more accessible to the readers, they are required to be arranged in a proper manner. In the same way, when it comes to the web pages, it is equally important to make sure that they are well structured and arranged so that it becomes easy for the leading search engines to understand and crawl. In order to ensure that the visibility of your website’s content improves and also to add more value to it, it has become absolutely necessary to get the data and the information well structured and properly documented. The idea is to be among the top of the list.

Ways to Ensure that you are among the Top in the List Generated by the Search Engines

There are certain ways and techniques which would help you achieve your target, which is to be ranked by the search engines. Be it a web page, a blog or any other documents, there are ways to make sure that you have the attention of those who are seeking for related information. In the following section, a brief insight would be provided into some of the tips and techniques which would help you attain the objective

• Use the most Relevant Search Phrase in the Title: When it comes to the title of the pages, the search engines, Google, in particular, give a lot of emphases. This is exactly any reader would make an impression about the content. You need to ensure that you have added descriptive titles and they should include any relevant search phrase which you want to emphasize upon.

• Include Meta-descriptions: Though meta-descriptions have nothing to do with the search engines, however, they allow you to prompt the readers to click on them in order to get more info.

• Limit the H1 Headlines: The H1 headline acts as the title on a magazine. You only have 1 to use. Make sure that it is search friendly and is relevant to the content of the body.

• Add the Key Ideas:
It is very important to make sure that you have added the key point at the very early phase. Google and other search engines would rate your content based on the information available right at the beginning of it. Therefore, make sure that you have added the key ideas right at the beginning of the content.

• Include an Image:
Adding an image to the content would make it more attractive to the readers. An image can also play a very important role when it comes to describing content in a more vivid manner. Make sure to select an image which is relevant to the content and add an alt text which is search friendly

• Use Bullet Points:
Using bullet points makes your content more descriptive and well organized. It also lets the search engines know that you have something important to say.

• Call to Action – Make sure that each article and web page content has call to action. Call to action button and tag lines always gives reader to do something new. And this is the faster way to get leads on your products.

• Rename good pages files – Strong files and pages names should include strong keyword in a natural way. Always check out related searches of keywords and finalize your most important keywords for title and H1 tags.

These are some of the important aspects which you need to take into consideration. Apart from these, there are other areas like User Experience, Link Valuation, Call to Action and other aspects which are needed to be taken into consideration

Important Elements for 2016 Marketing Startegy

Link Valuation, User Experience, and Calls to Action (CTAs)



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