Marketing & Advertising Magazine

How To Create The Perfect Salon And Spa Growth Mantra

Posted on the 29 May 2017 by Jennquinn

June is just about knocking at our doors, and this means half the year has almost gone by already! Last January, we listed 30 questions that would help you review your marketing efforts for the past year and set goals for 2017. However, according to studies, only 44.8% of people who make resolutions maintain them for more than six months. To help you stay on track, we’re going to look at how to create a salon and spa growth mantra. An affirmative and positive statement you can repeat to yourself until it becomes ingrained in your daily actions and helps you grow.

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” Vincent Van Gogh

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Do You Have A Salon Motto For This Year?

Mantras originally come from ancient meditative practices and traditions, but there are other ways of approaching the said practice. Apart from traditional mantras – think about ‘Om’ – ‘personal mantras’ also exist. These mottos are based on personal experience and should reflect what you desire most. The only requirement to a growth mantra is that it be authentic. You don’t have to limit yourself to one either. You could have multiple ones for different situations, as long as you focus your energy on one at the time.

“Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don’t let these feelings stop them.” T. Harv Eker

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salon spa growth mantra

Coming Up With The Perfect Salon And Spa Growth Mantra

Step 1: Review The Achievements You’re Most Proud Of

First, make a list of the career successes you’re most proud of to date. Identify what you’ve achieved, how you’ve made it happen and why you did it. Don’t be shy; no one will see this list but you! The goal here is to understand how your train of thought brought you to these accomplishments.

Step 2: Put These Accomplishments In Order Of Importance

Amongst everything you’ve written down, which of these achievements make you the happiest? Organise them in order of importance and pick the most meaningful and rewarding experience. If a few are tied, think about which makes you the proudest.

Step 3: Identify Your Worries

What makes you insecure? What do you want to focus on and improve? Identify a few concerns and pick the one you’d like to concentrate on the most.

Step 4: Build Your Mantra

Once you’ve figured out which experience comes out on top, choose one (only one!) positive, powerful and straightforward statement that will help you bring focus to your life. The trick is to flip your worry into some positive mental attitude quote to yourself. Keep it simple and in the present tense – be in the now! Let’s have a look at an example of a motto inspired by salon and spa growth.

Most important achievement

What I achieved: I’ve won a 2016 award for best spa in my region.

How I made it happen: I made sure my customer service wowed my clients at every visit and put loads of efforts into my marketing.

Why I did it: I value growth and customer service.

Worry: I am worried I don’t dedicate enough time to my family.

Mantra: I am disciplined and focused, I know how to achieve a perfect work-life balance. 

salon spa growth mantra

10 Words That Can Help Inspire You

  • I know how
  • I am
  • Balance
  • Calm
  • Worthy
  • Complete
  • Fulfilled
  • Confident
  • Motivated
  • Inspired

A salon or spa growth mantra won’t bring change overnight, but being mindful of this motto will help you create good habits, making it easier to achieve your goals in the long-run. For a daily reminder, print your mantra, frame it and put it on your desk!

Related | You’re Going To Love These Salon Slogan Ideas

Thanks for reading,


“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson

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