"How To Create A Successful Blog : An Interview With Shalini Chopra"
Its my 100th post and to celebrate we have with us Shalini Chopra of StylishByNature. She is a fashion blogger, an entrepreneur, a diva, a food connoisseur and a lovely person to know.I always look at some of these lovely ladies and their lovelier blogs and wonder what the story behind them, their blogs and their success is. I finally pinned Shalini down to answer some questions for all of us.
So if there are any budding bloggers and entrepreneurs around here get ready to take some notes on "How To Create A Successful Blog"
Abhi : So Shalini tell us a little about the birth of StylishByNature?
Shalini : I always loved wearing stylish outfits since my childhood. I inherited that from my parents. I was posting my outfits on various portals for the past few years and was getting requests to start blogging. Initially I ignored the requests due to a time crunch. However, eventually I gave it a serious thought and started pursuing my passion for fashion with my blog.
Abhi : So what were you doing before StylishByNature was born? Shalini : I am a Computer Engineer by education and was serving a multi-national company as a Senior Operations Manager.
Abhi : So you gave up your job for your passion and to create a successful blog? Must have been a tough decision. Shalini : Yes, such decisions are never easy. It is like choosing between your heart and your mind. But I love fashion and I believe that to make anything a success you need to give it a 100%.
Abhi: What made you believe that blogging could be a full time career? Shalini : Digital media and digital marketing are growing at a very fast pace and I wanted to make sure that I am at the right place at the right time.
Abhi : What was the biggest hurdle when you started blogging? Shalini : It was plagiarism. Abhi : When did you really start getting traffic to your blog? Shalini : I never looked into traffic and statistics too much. I was blogging to connect with like-minded people and was thoroughly enjoying the process. I think people find you if they like you. Abhi : How has blogging changed your life? Shalini : Blogging helped me connect with the style diva within me. The one that zooms into action once you throw a challenge at her.
Abhi : What are some of the brands and collaborations you have worked on as a blogger? Shalini : Allen Solly, Crocs, Bata, Fastrack, zovi.com, fashionandyou.com are some of the brands that I have collaborated with.
Abhi : Can one earn an income from blogging? Shalini : Yes, you can, I know many bloggers who are earning from their blogs.
Abhi : Tell us how? Shalini : Still exploring on that front myself. As of now, dependent on hubby as support system. Abhi : Haha, yeah we all are :)
Abhi : What is your advice to wanna be bloggers? Shalini : Be Original … your readers are smart enough !!
Abhi : If you had to restart what are the few things you would do differently? Shalini : The journey so far is satisfying enough. I don’t believe in regrets and restarts
Thank you so much Shalini for your time, and all the best always.. I hope you all enjoyed the interview
How To Create A Successful Blog : An Interview With Shalini Chopra
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