If you happen to have a cat, you will know how much they love to play. Well, having a cat is pretty much feeding them, petting them and playing with them. And, cats are among the most intelligent animals, making them the perfect playmates.

DIY Toy for Cats - A DIY Project using home items
However, it also might mean that your feline friend is quickly growing tired of the same old game and you need to present something new from time to time. Cats just love puzzling games as they try to decipher how to go about winning against you in the game. However, there is one game that probably no cat will ever grow tired of. Give them something long and wriggly and they will pounce around trying to catch and kill as you keep moving the item.
Most of the time, we use some kind of rope to play this game with our cats. But, how about making it a bit more interesting? Let's say, we make a toy snake for our cat to play with.
- One, this will peak their interest since the thing will look more like some type of prey.
- Two, you will not have to worry about the cat getting all tangled up, as it often happens with my cat and I end up untangling for long before continuing the game.
The best thing is, you will be able to make this toy at your home without much trouble and using items easily available at home or a few things that you can get from the nearby store.
So, let us check out how to make a toy snake from household items. This DIY project can be the perfect one to take up this weekend.
Items required to create a snake toy
How to create a DIY snake toy
How to create a DIY Snake toy for Cats by using home items?
- Take an old tie (or more if you are planning on making more than one tow snake).
- Rip the seam and open the tie cloth. Also, remove the inner band that is generally found inside the tie.
- Now fold the tie in half in the opposite direction.
- Stich the two edges together (using a sewing machine is best in this case and use short stitch while sewing).
- Now turn the tie inside out such that the tie will now be turned right side out.
- Fill the organic cotton within the tie, but do not stuff it too much and ensure that the tie retains flexibility.
- Once filled with cotton, stitch the mouth shut.
- Use felt cloth to create eyes so that the snakes get a realistic look. Cut the felt cloth in shapes of your choice and stitch them towards the head part of the snake (the wider end of the tie).
- Your snake toy for your cats is ready to be tested for your cat's approval. Wriggle it in front of your cat while holding on to the narrower end and watch as your beloved kitty transforms into the fierce hunter and pounces on the toy snake. This one is pretty much successfully cat tested and approved by every cat owner out there who tried it.
Bonus: Best cat toy for orphaned and abandoned small kitten
Any person who is experienced in raising orphaned kitten will tell you that playtime is one of the essential parts of the growth process of any kitten.
The mother cat makes the small kitten play with the help of the tail, making them jump and teaching them how to hunt. The toy snake can easily make up for the lack of a mother cat around a young orphaned kitten.
If you are raising an abandoned orphaned kitten, you can make this snake toy and make them play with it as the little one jump and pounces on this toy snake. It will help with their growth in the formative years.
Source: Cat Lesson