
How to Cope with on and off Homeschooling?

Posted on the 24 January 2022 by Blog Zed @Blog_ZED

Homeschooling - quite a new, very much in-trend, and overwhelming subject! New because being born and brought up with the culture of schools, colleges, and universities, the picture of acquiring education is half done for us without the physical existence of these institutions. Moreover, for generations, going to schools played an essential role in fulfilling the fundamentals of education. However, homeschooling is in-trend now as the schools and colleges are shutting down, and the kids are asked to stay at home for an uncertain time. With that, an overwhelming responsibility got added to the list for the parents working from home. It is an unseen, least traveled path that can be tricky and rocky at the same time.

How to cope with on and off Homeschooling?

The stress level escalates to another height when you know you have to accomplish an impossible task of managing work obligations and fulfilling household chores while keeping your naughty kids focussed on their studies. Besides all of these, homeschooling is not a joke as it requires a lot of discipline and transformations in schedule, routine, and lifestyle. With no teaching eligibility, this phase is getting tougher when it is not even consistent. But as we know we need to deal with this, why don't we put our best foot forward and see how it goes? You can start with some easy day-to-day routine, not putting pressure on your small one or yourself.

How to cope with on and off Homeschooling?

Balance out your expectations and be good to yourself and your child

Rome was not built in a day! If you assume that everything will go smooth and your way, be assured it won't. So, take it one day at a time. Instead of wasting your time sulking on what went wrong, use your energy improving from what went good enough. It's okay if your kids have finished only 2 out of 5 tasks today, there will always be a better tomorrow. You as parents know your child much better than anyone else in this world, and hence, you will know if they are doing their best or not. Make the best out of the time you got to spend with your family.

Create a routine for your child and yourself every day to reduce chaos and stress

Do you realize how much life around your child has changed? The same way it has changed for you as you started working from home. Our children are more used to studying in a classroom under their teacher's guidance and playing in the school playgrounds while throwing pranks at their friends. All of that has suddenly shifted and restricted inside the four walls of their house only now. As adults, you still find it difficult to concentrate on work in a not so official environment, i.e., home, then think how the kids might be feeling about this abrupt switch? To reduce all these troubles, make a routine each day that is realistically manageable and can be balanced out with your other duties, such as your job and household chores. Also, don't forget to block a slot of time for you, as well, to relax.

Staying calm is the key

How to cope with on and off Homeschooling?

Kids might not understand the seriousness of our job commitments, and hence, they might start throwing tantrums while you are working. At that time, instead of yelling at them, calm them down first and empathize with them. Try to reach the roots of their problems and solve them, keeping your issues aside.

How to cope with on and off Homeschooling?

You are a human being and might lose your temper in this journey. List down some stress-buster activities with them, such as listening to some good music or watching a fun movie together.

How to cope with on and off Homeschooling?

In these odd times, your mind might come across some negative and worrisome thoughts or ideas about the past or future, but let them flow away. The most effective mantra in today's times is - Live in the Present!

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