
Various Parenting Styles and a Good Parent

Posted on the 01 April 2022 by Blog Zed @Blog_ZED

Parents and home play a very crucial role in molding a child's character. What they see, hear, and learn affects the growth and development of your children. The way you are raised by your parents will differ from what style you adopt for your children.

Let's understand the different styles of parenting and better prepare yourself to be the kind of parent you look to be.

Parenting Style

Here parenting style means the set of strategies used to raise a child. Researchers say there are basically four parenting styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. Generally speaking, each parent comes in any one of these categories while maybe a combination of two.

Authoritarian Parenting

Various Parenting Styles and a Good Parent

Parents in this approach keep a single mode of communication with their kids and want their kids to obey them completely. No negotiation from the child's side will work and the rules are not going to be explained. Such parents expect the kids to uphold those standards and make no errors. If any mistake happens, punishment will be the result. Authoritarian parents are less concerned with nurturing kids and keep high expectations without giving any flexibility.

Some of the common phrases authoritarian parents say are ' because I said or why can't you '. The whole family went out shopping. The child wants to buy a toy that he or she already has. Obviously, the parent will say no at that moment itself, without giving any explanation. The child may start crying and raise their voice. In anger, parents will shout at them by asking them to shut their mouths.

Authoritative Parenting

Various Parenting Styles and a Good Parent

Do you put lots of effort into creating a positive relationship with your kid? Do you like to give reasons behind each rule? Do you like taking their opinions into account by validating their feelings?

Authoritative parents give more concentration to behavioral changes of a child before it starts. They use positive discipline strategies and always motivate them by giving rewards. Children raised with such discipline are seen to be happier and more successful than others.

A child doesn't want to continue the tuition. An authoritative parent will try to find the actual reason by talking to the child calmly. The parents will listen to the kids first and explain the importance of attending tuitions. In some subjects they may be weak and to know those in a better way, they are sending them to the experts.


Various Parenting Styles and a Good Parent

Permissive parents are nurturing and warm with no expectation. They always try not to put much pressure on their child. There will be open communication and allow the kids to figure out certain things themselves. So when there are no rules and restrictions, kids tend to become freer with their parents. The kids treat their parents as friends.

Kids get the freedom to sleep at any time, eat whatever they like, and study if they want to. These are a few things permissive parents usually allow their kids. But too much freedom can lead to a negative impact on such kids.

Uninvolved Parenting

Various Parenting Styles and a Good Parent

Uninvolved parents are less familiar with what their kids are doing. Children are not given any guidance, attention, or nurturing. Uninvolved parents maybe those working people who don't even get time to spend with their children. They will be unaware of their basic needs. Children will also feel neglected at some point in time.

The school sends some important information about their activities. An uninvolved parent probably will not get time to look at the message sent. Even if they see them doing it, they will not ask them for any help.

Dedication and commitment as a parent are big, try to maintain a good relationship with the children in whatever style possible.

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