May 3, 2013
When designing a website, a common question is what color scheme is suitable? Some designers may refer to color schemer as a guide, but many do not know the significance of the colors. With a bit of research, we found out that colors play an important part to influence purchase decisions. Red, yellow, and blue are categorized as primary colors, while orange, green, and purple are secondary colors.
The same color applied to different campaigns may deliver different effectiveness. For example, red colors alert and create urgency for marketing, but when applied in a different context, it represents love. Colors are also not entirely universal, the colors that entice in North America are different from those that entice in India.
Inforgraphic: How colors do affect purchases?
Inforgraphic: Psychology of color
Worldwide Top Brand Color Scheme (Mostly primary color)
Color usage is not limited to website design or branding. Choosing the right colors can also greatly improve one’s living environment.