
How To Celebrate Your High School Senior During Coronavirus

Posted on the 10 April 2020 by Daisy Chen

Senior year is such a fun time for kids. They have gone through 12 years of school, and now they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, with the outbreak of COVID-19, most schools across the country have been shut down, and these seniors are missing out on the last few months where they get to be the big man or women on campus. So how can you still celebrate your child and their accomplishment?

Celebrate Your Child’s Accomplishment With Graduation Announcements

Graduation announcements are the perfect way to share with everyone that even during this tough time, there is some good news. Your son or daughter’s graduation is an exciting time and should be celebrated. Senior graduation announcements come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. This will allow you to create a design that is just as unique as your graduate. 

When you start to customize the announcement, you should choose a website that allows you to make your changes instantly online. This will give you a real-time preview of what your design is going to look like. So take your time and add your photos, colors, and text to create your design, then you can show your child, so they get excited as well.

Once you have your card created, get them printed and shipped directly to your house. Luckily shipping companies are continuing to deliver during the quarantine. This means you will have no trouble getting your cards delivered.

From there, You will need to stuff and mail out your announcements. You will be so surprised how much joy these simple cards will bring to your friends and family. It will let them be part of your child’s life and let everyone know you are doing well. It is also fun to send a photo announcement so that anyone that has not seen your high schooler in a while can see how they have changed.

Once your friends and family have received your announcement, they are going to reach out to your child and congratulate them and let them know what a significant accomplishment it is to finish high school. Helping them feel better about the fact they, unfortunately, missed the last couple of months of their high school career. Many of your friends and family will also send gifts and money, so that is also a pleasant surprise and will lift anyone’s spirit.

So don’t wait any longer. Get your announcement created today to help fill your time with something productive, as well as give your high schooler seniors the recognition they deserve.

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