Love & Sex Magazine

How to Become a Real Man Eating Foods That Increase Testosterone

By Sergey Kushchak @ambrossimo

Here we reveal the secret of men’s superpower: foods that increase testosterone naturally

A Brief Background: What role does testosterone play in men’s life?

 The value of testosterone in a man’s life cannot be overestimated. Actively participating in physiological processes, this hormone has a qualitative impact on both general health and on the sexual performance of its possessor being the so-called “sex hormone”.

The main role of this hormone is the fulfillment of two important functions:

  1. Stimulation of muscle growth, fat burning and maintaining optimal bone density. Being an anabolic steroid according to its chemical structure, it activates the formation and renewal of cells and muscle structures.
  2. Formation of the male secondary sexual characteristics, ensuring the full activity of the reproductive system. This is facilitated by the androgenic properties of testosterone.

what foods raise testosterone

But what if a man lacks this significant hormone? How to solve the problem of its deficiency? What are the normal testosterone levels? Is there any way to boost testosterone in men? (Find the detailed answer to this question in our article “How to increase testosterone?”)

What Foods to eat to boost testosterone?

One of the fundamental aspects in raising the level of testosterone in men is food. What the man eats determines the level of sex hormones. Properties of some products to raise testosterone are mainly due to the presence of vitamins and minerals that promote an increased synthesis of androgens.

high testosterone diet

If you decide to increase testosterone naturally, you should start with you food, as it is the main factor of the modern man’s health.

How to use benefits of seafood for testosterone boosting.

It would be great to have the goldfish from the fairy tale that can solve your problems. But you will be glad to find out that it is partly possible in the real life as well. Just check your daily menu and hurry up to include the following sea inhabitants in your ration:

  • Anchovies,
  • grouper,
  • crab,
  • trout,
  • halibut,
  • herring,
  • mackerel,
  • pollock,
  • salmon,
  • sardines,
  • clams,
  • oysters,
  • shrimp,
  • tuna

Which advantages can you get eating seafood?

Seafood contains unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 which are important for testosterone synthesis. They are also rich in vitamin A, E, selenium, and also contain a small amount of zinc – the main trace elements that are necessary for a successful synthesis of testosterone. In addition, the fish is a great source of protein, and is preferable in this regard than the meat (so why, see here).

foods to boost testosterone

Among seafood for men’s health the leader in the usefulness for men’s health are oysters. They are valuable for their huge zinc content (from 16 mg per 100 g of product). It turns out that 100 grams of oysters make up the daily requirement for zinc. But not everyone can afford such menu.

The more affordable seafood is presented by the oil-rich sea fish which has been mentioned above because it contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and has a prophylactic effect against diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially blood diluting. Liquefaction of the blood is also important for the effective allocation of testosterone: in order to have they biological effects, androgens should be taken from the place of production to the target organs.

Tips: How to use seafood and how much to eat to boost testosterone level in men?

It is recommended to eat seafood with the mild heat treatment (steaming or roasting). For example, fish steamed with vegetables is a full on nutritional diet. It is necessary to avoid the salt fish as salt is one of the enemies of testosterone, smoked, dried, fried, canned products can only bring harm to your body.

products to raise testosterone - Anchovies

Eat seafood at least 3 times a week. In general, the Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the most balanced and healthy human diet, so it is difficult to go beyond the extreme. The only thing that causes concern is the quality of seafood: environmental contamination may result in the excessive consumption that fish living in polluted waters can cause poisoning of organism. In this respect, it is preferable to choose fish that was caught in its natural habitat and then grown on fish farms, but there is no 100% product quality as well.

Men should limit the consumption of fresh frozen tuna to once per week. This is due to accumulation of mercury in the body.

How can fruit, vegetables and berries help men to feel stronger both in gym and in bed?

There is a long list of natural products which can provide you with real benefits: Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage), beets, green grapes, mustard leaf, parsley, onions, spinach, arugula (lettuce), turnips, watercress, apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, raisins (dark and light), lemon, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers, zucchini, black currant, blueberry, pomegranate, plum, prune.

increase testosterone naturally with fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables neutralize many of the harmful substances and serve the antidote to the other food you eat. They contain a variety of vitamins, iron, water, fiber and antioxidants which in combination help to neutralize toxins that are consumed with meat and processed foods.

Fiber that is contained in fruit and vegetables reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, and thus lowers the level of insulin, which in its turn, increases the effectiveness of testosterone. Fiber is also present in cereal crops: wheat, oats, oat flour and their products.

The brighter the fruit, the brighter your sexual life will be! Fresh fruit and vegetables are healthier than canned, frozen or dried. Choose brightly colored fruit and vegetables using the principle: the brighter the fruit or the vegetable, the more nutrients it contains which in its turn means that it is able to increase testosterone more.

Green vegetables and fruit contain a substance responsible for the growth – lutein. It acts as an antioxidant and as a catalyst for many chemical reactions. It is recommended to use:

  • arugula (lettuce),
  • beets,
  • Chinese (napa) cabbage,
  • brussels sprouts,
  • broccoli,
  • cabbage,
  • cauliflower,
  • green grapes,
  • mustard leaf,
  • parsley,
  • onions,
  • spinach,
  • turnips

Be sure to include in your diet raw cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, napa, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli) as they contain a substance indole-3-carbinol which helps the liver to get rid of the body’s estrogen which depresses testosterone hormone.

increase testosterone naturally - arugula

Fresh celery contributes to the normal cycle of testosterone. It is believed that celery does this by improving circulation. This herb also helps the body to release the androsterone – a hormone that increases the libido.

Choose orange or yellow. Orange and yellow fruit and vegetables also contain carotenoids, carotenes, and bioflavonoids. It is found that these substances prevent heart attack and cancer, as well as contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.

Recommended for use: apricot, cantaloupe, carrots, raisins, lemon, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers, zucchini.

increase testosterone naturally - papaya

Warning: Do not eat grapefruit. Grapefruit contains chemicals that reduce the liver’s ability to break down estrogen.

How does the color of fruit and vegetables influence their properties to increase testosterone?

Choose red. Red fruit and vegetables contain carotenoids, known as lycopene and anthocyanins. They contribute to good performance and genital urinary system to protect against various types of cancer and heart attack.

 Recommended for use: cherries, cranberries, raspberries, red grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon.

Red grapes and its seeds contain flavonoids, plant compounds that help reduce the activity of the enzyme aromatase, responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This part is the use of red wine and grapes.

increase testosterone naturally - cherries

Choose blue or purple. Blue and purple fruit and vegetables contain large amounts of substances such as anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins. They are antioxidants and slow down the aging process.

Recommended for use: black currant, blueberry, pomegranate, plums, prunes, raisins.

How to use fruit and vegetables to naturally increase testosterone?

Consumed in its natural form, without any cooking or cooked with a minimum of heat treatment is the best variant. As for the berries, they can be harvested for future use by freezing – from that they hardly lose their beneficial properties. Berries, besides their mono use, can be added, for example in cereals. On the other hand, do not bear fruit jam favor because they contain a lot of sugar which is another testosterone enemy.

Advice: From time to time you should change the color of consumed fruits and vegetables – for the sake of diversity and experiment.

How much fruit and vegetables to eat to get the desired testosterone level naturally?

Eat fruit and vegetables at least three times a day, and even better 5 or 9 times. But official sources recommend: fruit – 2- 4 doses per day, vegetables- from 3 to 5 times per day. Let your diet to consist of 50% of raw (live) foods daily.

How can greenery help you to increase testosterone?

Greenery contains mustard, parsley, spinach, onions, cilantro, arugula, watercress.

increase testosterone naturally - watercress

How useful are the herbs for increasing testosterone? Firstly, the content of plant forms of male hormones that stimulate the production of testosterone (e.g., spinach, causes the release of large amounts of androsterone). Secondly, the content of organic minerals and vitamins (parsley comprises organic zinc). Third, many herbs contain chlorophyll, which has strong antibacterial and wound-healing effect.

How to eat and how much greenery is it recommended to boost testosterone?

Greens should be absolutely fresh. It means that they shouldn’t be prepared. The soup should contain the greens without cooking it.

It is desirable to include a bundle of greens into your daily diet. If you eat meat, it is recommended to use it together with herbs (without garnish), as do the inhabitants of the highlands, known for their health and longevity. Green is a great “antidote” for meat, since it improves digestion and neutralizes some harmful effects.

What is the role of the dietary fiber and cereal in the increasing of testosterone level in men?

Here we have barley, buckwheat and millet.

A large amount of fiber, which is part of grains, has a positive effect on the synthesis of sex hormones and triggers a chain of positive events. Thus, fiber, entering the intestine, causes increased motility, which improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Frequent emptying of the colon is very important for men, because the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the gut, which is subject to not on time derived foods, accompanied by release of heat is transferred to the surrounding pelvic organs. Increased scrotal temperature range is not allowed for the normal production of sex hormones and sperm.

It is necessary to use “coarse” porridge of whole grains – they contain the maximum amount of fiber. Quick-cooking cereals in the production process are losing a lot of useful items.

How to use dietary fiber and how much to eat it to reach the goal of high testosterone level?

It is not necessary to boil porridge over high heat for a long time. It is better to soak the cereal and cook it in a temperature range (60 ° C), leaving it for the required amount of time on a small fire.Porridge should be consumed every day.

How to make your sexual life brighter by adding “spices”

Garlic, onion, cardamom, cayenne pepper, curry, turmeric- all of them play an inevitable role in the boosting of testosterone level.

Spices neutralize the action of estrogen in the environment, known as xenoestrogens. Certain spices enhance the action of enzymes that metabolize estrogen (cytochrome P 450) so estrogen is being excreted from the body more effectively.

On the other hand consumption of salt is necessary to severely limit.

The proof that spices have a positive effect on the reproductive system of men is the fact that in countries where the national cuisine is presented by using a lot of herbs and spices (India, Muslim countries), there is a high birth rate and the quality of sperm in men is much better than the rest of the men’s world.

Now you know what to cook for dinner! Don’t waste your time and cook both tasty and healthy foods that increase testosterone!

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