So a few people have asked me over the past few months to do a 'How to apply cream blusher' do's & don't's blog post and so of course, I am obliging for my WONDERFUL visitors, just because I loves y'all so much!

Ok, so the first thing I will mention is that I am not the biggest fan of cream blush because I always find powder blush to much easier to apply and blend, but with that said, I do like the finish of a cream blush as it looks much more dewy and natural (in my opinion!)
So, here are a few tips on how to apply it!
- Use your fingers! I always like to use my third finger and pat some product onto my cheeks - don't swipe or wipe it across your face because all you do is move your foundation and if you're like me and get aggravated skin, your skin will go red and the finish won't be so nice. Just gently pat it onto your cheeks.
- If you hate using your fingers, use a brush. I actually quite like using the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush to apply cream blush, but actually sooo many people like to use a buffing brush - so either brush would work well.
- Use your foundation brush just to even out the edges if you find your fingers aren't really doing the job very well.
- Also use your foundation brush to dull down too much product. Use any excess foundation that has been left on your foundation brush just lightly over the top of your cream blush if you think you have an uneven coverage or have too bold a color on your cheeks - works wonders! Trust me, I've done it a dozen times!
The two cream blushes I have used in the picture are Bourjois Celebrate Superdrugs 50th Anniversary Cream to powder blush in 03 & Stila Convertible Colour in 'Poppy'.
Hope you found this useful - Let me know if there is any other 'how to's' you would like to see in the comments below or you can tweet me @hollysbeautybox - This is actually the second 'how to' I've done - I also did one on 'How to apply highlighter' about a year ago which I will link here: How To Apply Highlighter