Hair & Beauty Magazine

How To Achieve Healthy Nails After Years of Acrylics

By Khadija Beauty @khadijabeauty3

What your nails look like can say a lot about you, and if you’re someone who likes to keep them looking neat, damaged nails can be a nightmare. Often, people don’t want to stop using acrylics because they don’t want anyone to see the damage and dryness that have come from years of use. If you’re ready to get your nails healthy again but want your nails to look pretty, you still have options!

To get you started, here’s how to achieve healthy nails after years of acrylics so your nails will look stunning no matter what.

Nail Strengthening

The key to nail strength is to avoid as many cracks as possible. To do so, keep your nails as short as you feel comfortable with so you’re less likely to break them. In addition, file with a soft emery board. Course boards cause micro-tears that are invisible to the naked eye.

Coupling those practices with staying hydrated and taking a biotin supplement will speed up the process. Ultimately, the main goal is to enhance the structure of your nails by avoiding cracks and splinters. Not only does this makes your nails look nicer, but it ensures that new nail growth is healthy and structurally sound.

Ridge and Cuticle Care

Making sure your ridges and cuticles are moisturized is an excellent way to keep your nails looking nice and healthy. The ridges on your nails can often become cracked and leave your nail structure vulnerable to further cracking. Ridge filler will fill in gaps or bumps to create a perfectly smooth surface.

In addition, cuticle oil will hydrate your nail bed. Quality products will contain moisturizers such as vitamin E, coconut oil, or avocado oil. However, if you want a home remedy, you can buy any one of these oils on its own. This will make your hands look softer and make sure that new nail growth is soft, smooth, and moisturized.

Nail Protection

Avoid materials that dry your nails out, such as acetone or alcohol. If you want to keep your nails looking glossy, nail strengtheners will trap moisture and protect your nails from unwanted dryness.

However, some people still want to add color and vibrancy to their nails. All-natural gel coatings can keep your nails looking their best by preventing cracking and trapping moisture. This, paired with a protective base and topcoat, can ensure that you have a beautiful manicure that helps your nails instead of hurting them.

Overall, the best way to heal your nails is to give them a break from acrylics and acetone for as long as you can to get them back to their natural state.

Now that you have this guide for how to achieve healthy nails after years of acrylics, you can keep your nails as gorgeous as you want while not having to compromise your nail health!

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