
How Long Does It Take for a Baby Tooth to Come in After It Breaks?

Posted on the 11 April 2020 by Daisy Chen

Dental issues should be taken seriously straight from the period when the baby is teething. This is because dental health needs to be enhanced and the baby should also be given the attention during teething and tooth eruption.

Well, The development of the baby’s first teeth is a milestone for both the parents and the child. Teething is accompanied by some discomfort which is characterized by various symptoms that makes your baby feel miserable. Once you notice teething symptoms your biggest worry is how long will it last before a tooth breaks through. Well in this article I will exclusively address it so that you can understand the teething process. Read on and find out.

Teething and Tooth Eruption

As the teeth begin to erupt most children experience discomfort and they will spend sleepless nights. Teething usually begins when the babies are 4-7 months. The first teeth to appear are the central incisors. After some 4 -8 weeks it will be followed by the lateral and central incisors which are the four front upper teeth. The lower lateral teeth will appear a month later and eyeteeth on the upper jaw which is usually pointy will then appear.

What are the Signs of Teething?

When teething begins the kids drool and they develop a tendency where they want to chew anything available. Other kids might experience painless teething but the following are some common signs.

-Sleeping problems

-Gums swelling


-Urge to bite hard objects

-They refuse to eat food

-Excessive drooling which might lead to rashes on the chest or the face.

Therefore, as the tooth erupts there might be the development of an eruption cyst which is harmless so they should not be tampered with because they can burst and becomes a wound. However, the tooth will eventually rupture the sac as it pushes through. Most symptoms that they kid might experience are usually mild but if you notice the child is experiencing severe fever, diaper rashes, coughs, frequent ear pulling, diarrhea and fever then you should consult a pediatrician because they are not the normal signs that can be experienced during the teething process.

How Does Teething last for Babies?

One of the most common questions that parents ask is the duration of the teething process. It can be difficult to determine the exact duration of this process but by knowing how teething occurs it becomes easier.

Teething Time Frame

Knowing the teething Time Frame is very important. Well, the teething process usually occurs between 6-24 months. This process is usually accompanied by some painful experience which can make your baby uncomfortable as the teeth break through the gum.

There is no specific time that the teeth can penetrate through the gum but most dental specialists have estimated it to be around 1-7 days per tooth. The teething symptoms will last for a short period.

Here is a general timeline for the teething process:-

4 to 7 months

This is the time when the process begins. This is when the first central incisors begin to appear and during this time kids become more aggressive and they begin pulling objects, sit without support. This is the time that you need to keep a close eye and ensure sharp objects are kept away from your baby because they will want to put anything that they come across in their mouth.

8 to 16 months

This is the time when the upper central incisors begin to appear. The bottom and top teeth begin to appear. They are commonly referred to as upper and lower lateral incisors. In this development stage, other significant motor skills can develop. You will notice the baby can stand without assistance, throw objects, make fits steps and get seated without being supported.

13 to 23 months

The first molars will begin to appear at the top and the bottom almost at the same time. After a short while, the sharp canine teeth will also appear at the bottom and top rows.

23 to 31 months

This is the last stage where the second molars begin to appear. This is the period when your baby will begin feeling some significant pain alongside other symptoms. Others might not show any kind of symptoms and they won’t complain of any pain.

How to make teething easier for the baby?

This is usually a difficult time for both the parents and the baby because it requires lots of attention. As a parent, you need to think of how you can help your baby to bear the teething process.

You need to use a clean cloth and wipe on your baby’s face gently to prevent rashes from developing as a result of drooling. It is also recommended to rub the gums to ease the pain using a clean finger. You can also give your baby something to chew so long as it cant be swallowed.

Additionally, a wet washcloth can be placed in a freezer for approximately 30 minutes but ensure you take it out before it solidifies. This ensures you don’t bruise got baby’s swollen gums.

Rubber teething rings are also a viable option in soothing the pain but you need to avoid the ones which have liquid inside because they can leak or break. Before you use it to ensure it is chilled in a freezer.

Additionally, toys can greatly help to relieve the symptoms and go keep the child busy. Therefore, you can buy teething toys for your kid which are designed to offer teething relief by soothing the gums.


Determining the duration of teething can be a daunting task because different kids experience it differently. Some show some symptoms while others might not feel any pain during the entire process. The most important thing to do when your child is undergoing the teething process is to provide sufficient dental care. Avoid feeding your child with sugary things that can easily cause some dental problems.

The American Dental Association recommends that the baby should be taken to the dentist between 1-6 months after the appearance of the first tooth. The dentist will also access other potential dental problems to ensure the child is safe from such problems.

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