In the past decade in Bollywood, the audience has witnessed a lot of remakes, especially from the southern Indian languages. Many attributed this trend to the universal appeal of those movies. The recent addition to this list was Rohit Shetty's Simmba, which released last December. However, just like its predecessor Singham (which was a remake of Surya's Singam), Rohit Shetty did not just remake the original Telugu movie Temper frame-to-frame. While keeping the central premise and some scenes intact, Simmba not only weaves a sense of freshness and humour but also charts out a plot to become a part of the Singham universe. In case you are still sceptical on the plot differences, let's address the key differences between both movies before you watch the movie Simmba online on ZEE5.
The backdropWhile the flashback sequence of Temper was set in an unnamed Telugu speaking city, the flashback sequence in Simmba is set in Singham's Shivgad. This itself elevates the viewing experience of Simmba as it is now part of Bollywood's first cinematic cop universe. As the story moves to Simmba aka Sangram Bhalerao's adult life as a cop, we are taken to Goa. The Marathi-rich dialogues and colloquial characterisations further make Simmba's approach unique.
Ranveer Singh as Sangram Bhalerao
Ranveer Singh as Simmba is possibly one of the most entertaining cop characters we have seen in Bollywood. Funny as hell with a tongue-in-cheek approach to all essential things in his life, Simmba has the ability to keep you in splits. On the other hand, NTR Jr's Daya in Temper was a sarcastic chap but with a brooding attitude.
Also, in Temper, we see Daya's journey as an anti-hero. But Simmba is more focussed about showcasing the journey of embracing the ideals and integrity of a police officer, just like Singham.
This is one role that sees the most drastic change in Simmba, on comparing with Temper. In the Telugu original, Shanvi (played by Kajal Aggarwal) is an animal welfare activist. Whereas, Shagun is an entrepreneur who runs a catering service. However, the biggest difference comes in the story graph of the characters. Shanvi is the voice of conscience to Daya in Temper. Whereas, Shagun has a much larger influence on Simmba. Be it the story of her father, her bindass equation with Simmba or her connection with other people dear to Simmba, Shagun is a more connected part of Simmba's journey.
There are way too many changes in the second half of Simmba to list them all here. So, I'll stick to the major ones. In Temper, the evidence to the crime is shown to be with Lakshmi, the victim's sister whereas in Simmba, the evidence is given to Simmba by Chotu, a student of the victim Aakruti. But the biggest change in the screenplay comes in the climax. In Temper, Daya takes the blame on himself and comes forward as a co-accused in the crime to ensure punishment to the accused. Whereas, Simmba takes the Singham route and stages an encounter to ensure justice is served. The staging of both sequences is equally gripping but we give brownie points to Simmba for its epic Singham cameo.
These points should clear the air on the differences between Simmba and Temper. Rohit Shetty is a director who knows his audiences well. Hence, with this Ranveer starrer too, he modifies the original story to suit the sensibilities of the Bollywood audience to great effect. As a result, the movie has been become a blockbuster and set the stage for Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi. While you await the release of Sooryavanshi next year, you could check out Simmba on ZEE5, where it premiered this month. Who knows? You might come across something new during your viewing!