The Sox rallied in the eighth against the Rays bullpen, and had second and third with one out. Daniel Nava (who should have scored on Stephen Drew's double from second but totally butchered it on the bases), was called out at home on Brandon Snyder's fly to left, when it was clear on the replay he reached the plate first.
Umpire Jerry Meals, who was clearly out of position, then tossed John Farrell from the game. I would hope Meals would have the decency to admit after the game he was wrong, but I wouldn't count on it, as most umps wouldn't admit they are human and make mistakes. (Update: Meals DID admit he was wrong after the game. Shocker.)
The Sox lose, 2-1. After the game, Farrell said at his press conference that the Sox "should still have been playing now."
BTW, you may remember Meals. He is the incompetent who made one of the worst calls I have ever seen, two years ago in the 19th inning in Atlanta he called a runner safe at home when he was out by five feet.
Remember this:
Meals should have been fired just for this, but like Supreme Court justices, it's a job for life. MLB has a serious incompetent umpiring problem, but does nothing to remedy it. And incompetents like Meals go on their merry way.