Fashion Magazine

How i Wore It: Sequin Skirt

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhow I wore it - the details - dahlia

Selfies! Is anyone else as confused and embarrassed about this new phenomenon as I am?

An interview that has remained vivid in my memory is one with J. Crew’s Creative Director, Jenna Lyons. The woman is the Einstein of the fashion world, she created the perfect equation for everyday attire, and it is when she described something as making her day “sparkle” in an interview I can’t seem to find now. I loved her use of the word sparkle. There are lots of things that can make a day sparkle – food, the sun, a  bike ride, and fashion. And wearing sequins, wherever – shoes, skirt, or pants, will absolutely make your day sparkle both literally and figuratively. This skirt comes from an online boutique that I just discovered – Dahlia. They’re a British fashion brand that has a playful personality. Their clothes have a quirky twist but are still traditional and affordable. And for the seamstress out there, the construction warrants the price. This skirt was fully lined, even the waistband was even clean finished!

With spring just inches away, I’m already visualizing what I’ll be wearing this skirt with – a cotton blouses with lots of ruffles – and the selfies I’ll be taking (that was a joke).

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How i Wore It: Sequin Skirt

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