What I love about The Happy Planner:
- The price
- The disc bound system
- The cutest monthly divider pages
- The size
You already saw my cover in the picture above. It's a custom cover that I got from Stylish Planner...I am obsessed! I figure since I look at my planner so often it should have a cover that I adore.
Here is what you see when you open my planner:

I have a color coded key of sticky notes for all of my classes + my workout schedule inside the front cover. And let me give credit where credit is due...my super artsy/talented friend Jessica sent me something in the mail, and I totally cut out the part of the envelope with my name on it and taped it where there is a space to write your name.
Next up I'm showing you a monthly divider:

YES, that is ROSE GOLD foil detail on that divider....swoon! I really enjoy sitting down each month to fill out the "Currently" section. They're fun to look back on. Each month has a cute divider design...not gonna lie, I don't wait for each month to see the divider. I flip through right away and look at them all. I can't help it, haha!
Here is the monthly spread:

The squares in the monthly layouts are a great size. Plenty of room to write down upcoming events. On the monthly spread I write appointments, meetings, birthdays, and friend dates. In the "Notes" section on the left, I keep track of things I need to get done that month, my favorites items of the month (I use this when making my monthly favorites videos on YouTube), and any miscellaneous info such as when I changed out my contacts.
Here is a look at the weekly layout (first a filled out one, then a blank-ish one):

I am a horizontal planner all the way. I like to put a piece of washi tape down the middle (as you can see in the top picture) to divide each day into 2 segments.
On the left side I write down anything that I have to do that day that has a set time...so classes, meetings, appointments, etc.
On the right side I write down tasks that I need to complete that day. I also write down any assignments/exams that I have due for my classes. I've found that using sticky notes for school stuff is helpful since the syllabi tend to change a little as the semester goes on.
Then in the "Notes" section at the bottom of the week, I write down tasks that need to be done that don't have a specific day assigned to them.
I absolutely LOVE the disc bound system. Not only do they discs have precious little heart cut outs, but being able to pull out the pages to write on them makes life so much easier. I am such a fan of being able to customize what goes in there. I added a pocket folder in the back to catch random paper/stickers.
And here is a back view (just to show off my beautiful cover):

I would HIGHLY recommend The Happy Planner :) You can get them at Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and online. There are so many design options - it's hard to choose one! They also have vertical options and the best stickers.
What is your favorite type of planner? Do share!xo, Jess