Trust me when I say this; I was not at all organized in my life. In school days when my class mates made time table for their self study, I used to think how they can stick to a ready made plan as I could never do so. I wondered how organizing and planning is done by many of my friends even when I entered college.
My Life Before Blogging:
I preferred to be a late riser, unorganized and unplanned in every way possible. Yes ‘running at the nth hour’ or ‘last minute fire fighting’ was my routine in my studies as well as my personal life.
I started blogging and the importance of planning and organizing became clear to me with time. Even then I was a no-organizing-least-planning-will-do-whatever-comes-at-the-last-minute blogger.
When I started my full time blogging, I really felt the need for an organised and disciplined life; personally as well as professionally.
My wake-up timings changed from 10.30 to 4.30 am, began utilizing every hour effectively and jotting down my milestones as they develop against goals / plans. I began to use many planners and charts to serve this purpose. In fact my daughter’s food charts are also planned for each week ahead to ease my shopping and other household chores.
When it comes to keeping documents or notes, I am a note and pen girl. I really need to feel the hard copy in my hands while writing down notes or planning things. So my trips to the internet cafes/ printing cafes became frequent.
I faced a lot of difficulties when my plans go haywire with the need of a hard copy at the nth minute, running to the internet cafe, the cafe being closed, the printer ink being finished / no ink incidences and much more.
I badly needed a printer at my home. This is how my journey in the world of blogging with HP inkjet printer started.
How HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 e-All-in-One Printer helped me increase my productivity as a blogger?

The first thing I did when I received the HP ink jet printer was take print-outs of all the planners I had in my yet-to-print folder on my screen.
All the planners and charts which I use in my everyday life and blogging has been gifted to me by HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 e-All-in-One Printer! All within the comfort my home in fact anywhere from my home!
And do you remember the FREE printable weekly meal planner I had posted for you. I have one hanging on my wall as per my daughter’s food chart printed from the HP inkjet printer! Isn’t amazing?
Features of HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3545 Printer I loved as a parenting blogger and mom:
- Cost of the printer is 6700/-. You can get it at amazing prices online in Flipkart, Amazon or other stores
- Connecting to home WiFi router was pretty easy
- HP Ink advantage printers is quite Earth friendly/eco- conscious as it automatically supports dual side printing enabling non wastage of paper
- Cartridge is available at affordable price of 475/-
- Print quality is excellent, so I need not run shop after shop even for my presentation hard copies
Overall I am excited to have a printer which can effortlessly give me high quality hard copies and prints as and when required. That too without the hassles of connecting USB cable of the printer to my laptop or computer!!
To describe HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 e-All-in-One Printer, I can say : good quality prints anytime from anywhere !!
I am all excited for my daughter to start her school so that I can help her in all crafts, DIY and her projects too.
Do share with us on which printer do you use at home? Are you planning to buy one for your child’s arts/crafts/projects/DIYs?
Why wait? Buy HP Deskjet Ink advantage printer from hpshopping website right now!