Creativity Magazine

How Google Made Martin Van Buren A Famous U.S. President

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

I read a post by fashion illustrator Edwina Owens Elliott in which she had high praise for a commercial created by advertising agency Venables Bell & Partners to promote Google’s Search app.

The commercial’s a scant 30 seconds long. A little girl springs the news on her mother at breakfast that it’s Dress Like A President Day at school and she’s supposed to come as Martin Van Buren. Martin Van Who?? After using her Google app, Mom gets to work.

I loved the commercial. I was struck by how it incorporates the key elements of effective sequential art: good writing, storyboarding (working out the frame-by-frame sequence), pacing, key facial expressions, editing out whatever’s not essential.

The commercial also demonstrates the unique power of humor to connect with people and win their affection. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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What do you think? Does laughter have a unique ability to disarm and persuade? Had you ever heard of Martin Van Buren? Are you ready to see big fluffy side-whiskers come back in style?? Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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