Via Click on the link for the whole gallery.
I don’t care if you’re a die hard Ravens fan and you don’t think he killed anybody at any point in his life, you have to admit one thing: This house is god awful ugly inside. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on the outside but even that is a stretch. I wouldn’t buy this house if it cost me $5. Actually, scratch that, I’d buy it for $5 and then immediately burn it to the ground.
My top 5 train wreck pictures from the gallery.
5. Bathroom

Red and white? At least throw some blue in there so you can say you went with the American theme. This just looks like the worst room ever to walk into first thing in morning. Bright city like you read about.
4. Not sure this is a room.

So much going on in this “room” yet, I’m not even sure what the hell is going on. What’s on the wall, why is there a dead cheetah on the floor and why is there a water bubbler there? P.S. I see you Jesus.
3. Bedroom

Is this where Ray’s great grandmother slept? Probably not judging by the shoes under the bed. Fact, if Ray Lewis consistently slept in this bed he is legitimately psycho. No other explanation needed.
2. Living room

I have a headache from looking at this carpet/wall combo. I honestly think a blind person put this decor together. And that picture of Ray standing over someone who I can only guess is his mom had to be painted by that same blind person.
1. Bedroom #2

Hey bro, rub the furry wall. Hell, rub the furry everything. Pretty sure that desk chair is all fur. Quick question: Why is the space above the leaf fan furry? What does that have to do with anything? P.S.. The IPad is a deal breaker. If it’s not included, I’m not interested.
Seriously, I’d burn it to the ground. I might burn this laptop to the ground just so I don’t have to look at these pictures again.