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How Early Should You Begin Making Funeral Plans?

By Yourtribute @yourtribute

If like many, you have not begun to even think about planning your funeral, you would be forgiven. Any topic surrounding death can often be an incredibly touchy subject for even those in great health, the older we get, the more sensitive of an issue this may become. On the other hand, once you get past the initial fear of planning your funeral, there are many benefits that come with doing so. If you are considering putting together a plan for your funeral then we will provide you with a few reasons that this is a great idea. 

Freezing Funeral Costs at Today’s Prices

One of the many stressful parts of planning a funeral often stems from the cost of arranging the funeral itself. This stress can be amplified during this time as your loved ones will also be grieving during this time. With prices of funerals rising every year, planning a funeral will often allow you to freeze the cost at today’s prices, so there won’t be as big of a financial burden in the future. What’s more is that this also avoids any financial problems that your loved ones may have in the event of your passing. Financial problems can cause a huge amount of stress at the best of times, so by planning ahead, you can really ease some of their worries. 

Arranging the Funeral That is Right For You

Although you may have an idea of what a funeral should look like, often a funeral can be a very personal and individual experience. Many people may have a very specific idea about what they want their funeral service to be like. For instance, some people may hate the idea of organising an expensive funeral, and much prefer a humble sendoff. On the other hand, some people may have a very specific idea of how they wish their funeral service to go, whether this is based on their religious beliefs or perhaps even relating to their personality. For example, many people may wish to be buried at sea or have their ashes scattered. Today, there appears to be a lot of variety in the way people’s funeral wishes. 

Talking With Your Loved Ones

Leading on from the previous point, even the act of simply talking to your loved ones about your funeral plans can have a very positive effect. One funeral plan that you may have had with your friends or loved ones is which song you would like to be played at your funeral, something as simple as this may allow your loved one to feel like they have done right by you as you yourself have confirmed this to be one of your funeral wishes. Other examples include being buried with certain items such as your favorite football team shirt or for the musicians out there, you may wish to be buried with your instrument of choice.

Writing a Will

If you are considering beginning to plan your funeral then one step that you may consider taking is beginning to write your will. Writing your will is a great way to get all of your estates in order, you can decide to leave certain items behind to each of your loved ones to avoid any confusion later down the line. On top of this, this is a great way to say your goodbyes in the event of your death. This can often be great closure for your friends and family and it doesn’t take much organisation to do so. For a will to be valid you will however need to have a witness present. If you are unsure on how to start, there is a large amount of information online, so it is best to do your research to see examples of how a will should be written. 

Registering as an Organ Donor

Another thing to consider when planning your funeral is whether or not you wish to be registered as an organ donor. By registering as an organ donor, you could possibly save lives. Your organs would only be available for donation if you have registered, so if this is something that you wish to do, then it is important to do so as soon as you can. Many people do not even consider this if they are young and healthy but it is definitely something to consider no matter what your circumstances. 


If you are thinking of planning your funeral then hopefully this article has provided you with a few things to consider. By planning early, this can alleviate a lot of stress for your loved ones as well as ensuring that your funeral wishes are met. Even if you do not have the funds to plan a funeral today, there are a large number of funeral directors that will allow you to pay for a funeral service in monthly installments to help reduce the financial burden. The best advice is that you start this process as early as possible. 

About the Author

Jack McGivern works for Joseph A Hey Son Funerals who provide services for funerals in Shipley and surrounding areas.


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