Fashion Magazine

How Does Your Garden Grow? Raised Beds

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

Earlier in the week I shared photos of the paths we’d been digging around the veggie patch and told you how we intended to create raised beds around the remaining mounds of soil that we’d taken out of the path. I know this might not be the obvious way round to create raised beds but we finished off the paths and tucked the weed-proof membrane under the wood surrounding the beds so that we shouldn’t get any sneaky weeds creeping out of the veggie patch and into our gravel path.

How does your garden grow? Raised bedsHow does your garden grow? Raised bedsHow does your garden grow? Raised bedsHow does your garden grow? Raised beds

I forgot to take any photos while we were constructing the frame of the raised beds – in fact, I was busy doing a lot of holding while hubby screwed the corners into place! After each of the two raised bed frames were completed, we dug over the existing earth inside the beds and mixed in a big bag of compost. As you can probably tell from the photos, we had completely finished the first bed before I got out the camera and posed for a photo to make it ‘look like’ I’d been digging – but I honestly had!!

I’m planning to plant up the raised beds with courgettes and runner beans, and make the large planter beside the patio into a herb garden, so watch this space!

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