Business Magazine

How Could the Government Really Save Money?

Posted on the 15 December 2012 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Have your say How could the government really save money?

With so many cuts and changes taking place we are all feeling the strain. Its always a controversial debate when we discuss where the government could make savings and I wonder why the actual government never looks at these areas.

It sickens me to see that it is the most vulnerable members of our society that are being targeted by these cuts. While I am in agreement that our benefit system is being abused, why are they not looking to combat the fraudulent claimants and turning their attention to those disabled or suffering from mental illness.

Why when medical opinions are given are these being overlooked and vulnerable claimants are being harassed by the Job Centre and by Atos, to go in to be reassessed by an assessment system that has so many flaws its laughable and is not designed in any way to help the mentally ill?

The mentally ill have had their support system trashed by cuts and have less support to help the harsh and unfair tests will put them under. Making a judgment on one meeting is unrealistic and insensitive. Especially so when the person’s feelings are backed up by medical opinion.

Have the Government and this country gone crazy?

I asked the mothers on my Facebook group how they thought the government could really save money and this is what they told me …

How could the government really save money?


” To stop sending money out to other countries our country should come first”


“Stop giving money to foreign families with stupid amount of kids, stop paying foreign mothers who’s kids aren’t even in the country child benefit, stop giving money out overseas, stop paying for drug addicts and alcoholics lifestyles, stop cushty prisons where the prisoners get better food than hospitals and care homes”


“There is no way we need this many MP’s nor should they have expenses for second homes. They get paid expenses commute like everyone else”


“Stop paying footballers 90 grand a week, get rid of Cameron’s nice fancy cars and get him to buy his own, buy his own plane tickets and use a public plane like everyone else.”


“Our government have cut all pre school where I live… So no pre school only school when they turn 4, this is what my government are doing to save money where they could be doing all of the above rather than punishing kids”


“Just they need to get real and live in the real world poverty is a very big problem and with prices carrying on rising how are people going to cope? They don’t need there ten houses they don’t need that wage it’s ridiculous they need to make prisons less like holiday clubs an not give them luxuries that old people can’t afford they should bloody work hard like everyone else”


“I think that the government should concentrate on homeless kids that have to run away because of abuse, they should also be helping the elderly with heating for example”


“Stop cutting benefits that affect honest families they should give people random drugs test who sign on and if there positive then don’t give them dole money, give them vouchers to buy food and drink and bills but not cash”


“Less money spent on top level government, and foreign military aid. A reform on sickness and disability benefits. Less money spent on sports and recreational activities. Less money spent on other cultures and religions and integration. Less money spent on art.”


“Pay cut for MP’s and stop them claiming expenses – totally unnecessary. Cut overseas aid. Close the loopholes in the benefit system – stop people coming into the country and being given a house just like that, stop paying child benefit and child tax credit for children who aren’t even in the country.”


“Instantly deport every illegal immigrant lurking in our prisons.”


“Make all the elderly foreigners that were moved here with a million and one health problems just so they can get free health care go back to their own country”


Boot the foreigners out, we would find NHS costs go down and the housing problem sorted! Where I am living (Peterborough) its way over populated with foreigners, they have their own little town in our town”


“Stop giving to smack heads and alcoholics, give them vouchers for food instead of money , automatically top there gas and electric up with money every month.  Stop child tax and benefit for any more than 2 kids , stop these asylum seekers from claiming anything , make a limit of being on benefits unless got a serious health issues , more training available to get back into work .”


“Everyone blames the foreigner however you kick them all out, less people buying food and clothes, there for company’s like Matalan where my partner works, work load goes down so they get sent home or agency’s get laid off making more no work putting the people jobless up again. The issue is money on silly things, statues and ornaments on roundabouts. The consist repair for broken parks, bus stops ”


“Stop giving extra money to alcoholics and drug addicts. Stop foreign people from being able to claim our benefits whether they are illegal or not, you come to this country you work simple as. Stop taking so much interest in foreign affairs, look after your own country before (basically practice what you preach). Stop spending money on knocking down perfectly decent houses just because they don’t look modern and stop wasting money rebuilding them. Do I need to go on?”


“Stop paying hospital chefs massive amounts of money while nurses get low pay. My auntie is an NHS executive, knows nothing about medicine, she works 12 hours a week and is paid £90, 000 a year! No lie, and that’s only one of theme nothing against her, she is very very clever and is a magistrate as well. But why that much, when I’m a nurse and am laid 20,00 a year for 40 hours a week. Makes me mad.”


“Stop giving money to every other country then moan we r in shit..stop foreigners coming over for free houses,health care footballers less..there only kicking a ball around.”


“They.need to.stop giving other country’s money, these other country’s have there own government so why the hell should we pay them anything. Stop giving smack heads and alcoholics more money they also give alcoholics vouchers for booze. Instead if they want benefits they should have to go.on.a detox. Stop.letting people into our country so the housing and jobs go to UK nationals instead.

“Stop using money on second homes for government. Also the bloody queen should cut bk.on.stuff too. They should raise minimum wage so that people working are better off  and people claiming see they will be better off. Cut backs in youth prisons. Why give them luxuries like TV, Playstations ect. There in there for a crime they should do time without all these stuff.

To be honest I think if our country adopted the American benefit system then we would see a big fall in people coming here as lets face it thats all people are coming here for is the free house and benefits. The government needs to sort themselves out as these cuts there doing now are gonna make people homeless and put more kids into.poverty.”


Do you agree with any of the views expressed here? Have you any views of your own on how could the government really save money?

 How could the government really save money?

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